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[WriteLog] RE: High Claimed Score Listings

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] RE: High Claimed Score Listings
From: rmaull@citynet.net (Roy Maull)
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 04:11:21 +0000
         To all RTTY contesters,

         I would like to be sure that all, that I am not associate with any 
of the contest committees, nor any of the log submission or checking functions.

         The scores I put in my High Claimed Scores listings, come from 
summaries that are posted to the WF1B-RTTY, 3830 and/or Writelog 
reflectors.  I do not get a list of scores from the contest committee, or 
the log checkers, so if your call is not listed in my listing, it is 
because you did not send a copy of your summary sheet to one of the above 
reflectors.  I do accept a copy of a summary sheet from those that are not 
subscribers of the above reflectors that are sent directly to me.  Please 
DO NOT send me a copy of your summary sheet if you are going to post it to 
the reflector!!  I get enough as it is:-):-)

         Please, do not ask me if I can confirm receipt of your log sent 
via email to the contest committee.  I have no way of knowing, and in a 
way, don't want to know:-)  I appreciate your concerns when you don't see 
your call in my listings, but perhaps this will help to explain why it may 
not be there.

         Many thanks to all the fine RTTY folks out there for the contacts 
over the past years, and the many years to come.  As long as I can punch a 
key, I'll do my best to be there to say Howdy and pass out that "unique" WV 

      73.. Roy  N8YYS
   Keep West Virginia beautiful.. Grow ALUMINUM!!

WWW:                      http://www.writelog.com/
Submissions:              writelog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  writelog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-writelog@contesting.com

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