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[WriteLog] WL PSK questions

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] WL PSK questions
From: realbill@w5bbr.com (Bill Holbert Sr.)
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 20:29:21 -0600

Barry N1EU wrote:
> Admittedly a rank beginner with PSK, I'd appreciate any help from the
> digital mode veterans out there with a few newbie questions.
> Are there any Web sites that have good info on using Writelog on PSK?

Barry there are no sites dedicated to writelog and PSK that I know of.

> I've managed to get WriteLog functioning in PSK with Rttyrite, on my
> FT1000MP.  I'm using the rig in LSB with "LSB is really FSK" checked.  WL
> will transmit messages properly and key the rig properly.  Just curious, is
> there a way to get Writelog to do PSK in USB?  When I try, I either get no
> xmsn or it wants to put my MP into RTTY mode.  I assume that LSB is the way
> to do it.

Writelog does not care if you are in USB or LSB so far as BPSK is
concerned.  If however, you are using the QPSK modes then they are sensitive
to the SB you have the rig selected.  Do not find a lot using QPSK anyway.

You do not need to have the LSB is FSK checked at all.  

If you do not have the LSB checked then you should not have the trying to go
to RTTY mode.  I just use LSB for all PSK work and if you decide to use QPSK
you will note that you must select QPSK either USB or LSB in the mode
section of RTTY Write window.

I do not run the MP version but the FT1000D and it works great with

Hope in some way this helps.
> Finally, is the Rttyrite spectrum window the only option for tuning?  No
> possibility of a waterfall?

Barry there are no other options for tuning that I know of withing Writelog
for PSK31.

Good luck.


Bill Holbert Sr.

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