I've moved the ham station to a new computer, running 2000-Pro. After
setting up WL and RTTYrite, things worked fine for RTTY via a PK232.
I then went back to DX4Win, and RTTY no longer worked there. Investigating,
I finally found that WL/RTTYrite evidently had altered several parameters in
the PK232. After doing a "master reset" on the TNC, it once again worked in
DX4Win - and WF1B as an additional test.
I then started up WL/RTTYrite, which appeared to work fine. I closed them
and went back to DX4Win. Hosed! WF1B no longer talked to the TNC either.
Another master reset, and DX4Win and WF1B were back to fully functional.
What is going on??!! To my knowledge, everything set up in WL is either
default or simple port selection, etc. I cannot find a clue on what might be
doing this.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
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