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[SD-User] Super Check Partial Database -- New e-mail address for submitt

To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>, <writelog@contesting.com>, <yccc@yccc.org>, <n1mmlogger@yahoogroups.com>, <ct-user@contesting.com>, <sd-user@contesting.com>, <support@win-test.com>
Subject: [SD-User] Super Check Partial Database -- New e-mail address for submitting logs
From: "Bob Raymond, WA1Z" <bob@wa1z.net>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 16:08:03 -0400
List-post: <sd-user@contesting.com">mailto:sd-user@contesting.com>
I'm taking over the administration of the Super Check Partial database from
Randy, K5ZD.  Thank you, Randy, for providing the contesting community with
top notch support of the SCP database over the last few years.  


Randy recently established a dedicated web site for SCP,
http://www.supercheckpartial.com <http://www.supercheckpartial.com/> .  As
part of this transition, we've now set up a new email address for receiving
logs, logs@supercheckpartial.com.  As always, the easiest thing is to cc
logs@supercheckpartial.com when you submit your Cabrillo formatted log to
the sponsor's robot, but you can send them at any time you wish.  


Randy's usage policies remain in effect.  All files become property of WA1Z
and will only be used for the purpose of creating the master call files.
Blocked call requests can be submitted to the new email address as well.  I
have the existing blocked calls list, so only new requests are necessary.  


For additional details, please refer to the web site,
http://www.supercheckpartial.com <http://www.supercheckpartial.com/> .  You
can expect the next SCP update to be announced sometime near September.  If
anyone has any questions, feel free to email me.



Bob Raymond, WA1Z

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