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Re: [RTTY] [WriteLog] CQWW RTTY Writelog Problem

To: Steve Colello <colellos@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] [WriteLog] CQWW RTTY Writelog Problem
From: AL9A <al9a@mtaonline.net>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 16:58:28 -0800
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>

Only running a single radio here, but the hangup happens to me too. I doubt it 
is related to your two radio setup. I open three RTTY windows, one to transmit 
with MMTTY, the other two as clone receive windows for 2Tone and another MMTTY 
window under a different parameter. It is always the transmit window that 
hangs. I just close that Rttyrite window and then reopen it again. That seems 
to work for me. 

Gary AL9A

Sent from my iTouch

On Sep 23, 2013, at 10:57 AM, "Steve Colello" <colellos@earthlink.net> wrote:

> Need some help with Writelog. Started to set up for CQWW RTTY and I seem to 
> have a problem with rttyrite. Working 2 radios and it has worked before. When 
> I initialize the RTTY window, (for radio 1) I get the rttyrite window, but I 
> do not get the RTTY control window. I get the message "Initializing MMTY. 
> Please wait" which just hangs. MMTY works stand alone for both radios. I 
> reinstalled the MTTY Plug In  and used the legacy installer, but still the 
> control window hangs. The rttyrite and rttyrite2 ini files contain the proper 
> locations for the 2 instances of MTTY (which are in different directories). I 
> use dual monitors and have adjusted them lately for resolution, etc, but I 
> doubt that is the problem. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Got to get 
> this fixed before this coming weekend. 
> Steve
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