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Re: [WriteLog] Band Summary Window Lost

To: "Writelog" <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Band Summary Window Lost
From: "Gary AL9A" <al9a@mtaonline.net>
Date: Sun, 25 May 2014 15:43:40 -0800
List-post: <writelog@contesting.com">mailto:writelog@contesting.com>

The various WL window positions are in your writelog.ini file. Problem is trying to figure out which window is which. They are not labeled the same as the descriptions in the program. Scroll down in your ini file until you start seeing sections titled [DockScreen-BarN], where N is some number from 1 to however many WL windows you have ever used. In my ini file there is the following section:

This means I have a total of 28 different WL windows on my system. Not all of them are in use at the same time, but each individual window has its own section in the ini file describing its last position coordinates. In the [DockScreen-Summary] section above I think the ScreenCX=1440 and ScreenCY=900 define the X and Y maximum coordinate numbers. I'm not sure if this is related to the size of my monitor screen or the size of the WL desktop on my monitor. However, I would think the [DockScreen-BarN] sections would have their coordinates somewhere within this range. Perhaps someone else more knowledgeable could enlighten us.
The data below shows a specific DockScreen-Bar number from my ini file. 
This is a completely random selection on my part and doesn't mean this is 
the Band Summary window information.

Note the various MRUDock position numbers. I think these are the window coordinates for when this particular window is docked to the WL desktop. Also note the MRUFloatPos numbers. I think these are the window coordinates for the last time this particular window was undocked from the WL desktop and placed elsewhere on the Windows desktop as a "floating" window.
Since you apparently undocked the Band Summary window from the WL desktop, I 
would start by looking at the MRUFloat position numbers for both the X and Y 
axis.  If you see numbers that are way out of whack when compared to your 
ScreenCX and ScreenCY numbers this may indicate a screen that is out of the 
visible desktop area.  If you see something suspicious write down the 
coordinates for that DockScreen-Bar and then change them in the ini file to 
something that may appear on the Windows desktop.  Once changed exit the ini 
file to save the changes and then restart WL and see if the missing window 
is now visible.  Or, has one of the other windows changed position?  If not, 
go back to the ini file and change the numbers back to their original 
values.  Then pick another DockScreen-Bar section and try again.  This may 
be a reiterative trial and error process until you figure out which 
DockScreen-Bar number is the one describing the coordinates for the Band 
Summary window.  If you can manage to get just a piece of it visible on your 
screen you should be able to click and drag it back to where it should be.
Gary AL9A

-----Original Message----- From: Mike
Sent: May 25, 2014 8:53 AM
To: Writelog
Subject: [WriteLog] Band Summary Window Lost


Need help finding my Band Summary window.

While dragging the Band Summary window off the log window, I inadvertently
released the left mouse key after the Band Summary window was off the log
window.  Now can not find the Band Summary window.  Moved and/or minimized
all the other opened windows without finding the Band Summary window.
Closed WL, without saving the changes, and reopened WL.  Still no Band
Summary window could be found anywhere on the screen.  I'm assuming there
should be a Band Summary section in Writelog.ini although none could be

Using V11.20D which was recently downloaded on a new W7 computer which is
why the Band Summary window opened at first on top of the log window.

 Mike, K4GMH
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