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Re: [WriteLog] Internet logbook errors.

To: Kevin Rowett <kevin@rowett.org>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Internet logbook errors.
From: Gordon LaPoint <gordon.lapoint@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2021 03:34:45 -0400
List-post: <mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
    Yes, I double checked and I'm using the correct internet server.
One of the stations using the remote is connected fine, I was then it failed and I can not get it going again.
The other station is still working fine with the internet log server.
Gordon - N1MGO

On 3/20/2021 12:57 PM, Kevin Rowett wrote:
In WL tool, are you sure you selected internet server, rather than LAN?


On Mar 20, 2021, at 6:56 AM, Gordon LaPoint <gordon.lapoint@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm having problems with one computer connecting to my internet logbook server. 
 I get the following error:

Received Session ID.
Exchange fields registered.
Get log summary failed. Restarting!

The "Get log summary failed. Restarting!"  just keeps repeating.

This computer was working at the start of the BARTG RTTY contest but failed 
after several hours of use.

Other remote systems are working and exchanging contacts.

The server is setup on a Linux box that also runs the openvpn server we use to 
connect to the remote site, which has a windows box running writelog that is 
connected to the radio.

Any help or tips?


Gordon - N1MGO

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