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To: <yaesu@contesting.com>
Subject: [Yaesu] FT1000 AUDIO PROBLEM (MAY-20001) FOR JORGE HK4CZE
From: akim@ptq.pemex.com (Lic. Andres Kim XE1KIM)
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 02:44:18 -0500

Dear Jorge. HK4CZE

hope you already resolved your problem, if not, this is what I did
when I had the same problem.

*Look at your AF unit, then locate J3052 (POO9O622) it´s a little molex
connector with three wires,

1.-Wire +9v
2.-Wire -9v
3.-Wire RX2en

All three are white, then close to that connector are two voltage
regulators Q3028 (2SC2712GR) and Q3027 (2SD667C) , those regulators
take 9V to 5V.
In my FT1000  Q3028 was damaged, but check those two, if one of them
are damaged replace them, those are easy to find in  radio shack or
electronic dealer near you, Well then those two regulators go to the
Audio amp. Q3029 (TDA2003V) and then audio out.

Hopefully I can be usefull to you, my English is not good, please feel
free to ask any question if I didn´t explain myself.

Andy Kim

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  • [Yaesu] FT1000 AUDIO PROBLEM (MAY-20001) FOR JORGE HK4CZE, Lic. Andres Kim XE1KIM <=