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[Yaesu] FT1000MP MarkV Filters

To: <yaesu@contesting.com>
Subject: [Yaesu] FT1000MP MarkV Filters
From: esa.p.korhonen@nokia.com (esa.p.korhonen@nokia.com)
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 11:05:17 -0500
This is a very subjective topic as there are huge differencies in peoples' 
hearing. What's good to my ear may be just horrible to someone else. 

I have the 500Hz CW filters for both receivers, in all IF's. I don't need to go 
any narrower than that. Go too narrow in a pile-up and you won't hear all 
stations calling you....rather learn the "cocktail party listening" style, you 
may hear a variety of signals but you can concentrate on listening just one and 
use RIT as necessary. 

I'm a CW-guy, so my MkV is still in stock condition for SSB. I'm planning to 
put in the 1.8kHz filters since my scope mainly is in contesting and even 2.1k 
is too wide on a crowded band.

Again, this is just my preference, would be interesting to hear others as well.

73, Esa w5/oh7wv (soon again just oh7wv)

-----Original Message-----
From: ext Robert Higgins [mailto:rhiggins1@cfl.rr.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 10:12 PM
To: yaesu@contesting.com
Subject: [Yaesu] FT1000MP MarkV Filters

Just took delivery of my FT1000MP Mark V. What an awesome radio! Having great 
fun learning all the things it can do. My question is about which optional 
filters to get. I operate abot 80/20 CW/SSB and about 40% DX 40% contesting and 
20% ragchew. What has been your experience with the optional filters. If you 
were starting fresh which would you install and which would you pass on? Thanks.

73 Bob K4LW

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