I have for sale a Yaesu FT450AT HF/6m transceiver in great working
condition, and it comes with the built in autotuner. This model has IF DSP
so no narrow filters are needed, and it comes with DSP noise reduction and
a tremendous manual IF notch filter. It has a CW memory keyer built in, a
voice recorder/keyer built in, a TXCO for frequency stability, and a built
in voice synthesizer.
The CW memory keyer and the voice keyer make this a great rig for
contesting, as you can let the radio call CQ and do the exchange for you.
Everything works great on this radio, although the case does have some
scratches and marks on it. The faceplate looks fine, though.
It comes with the MH-31 mic instead of the stock hand mic and you can use
the UP/DOWN/FAST buttons on te mic to control different features of the
radio, like the CW or voice keyer memories. It also comes with a powercord.
This is a 2007 model radio, and you can change the color of the display on
it if you like.
I am asking $400 plus shipping for it, and can take paypal/check/MO.
I have a few pictures I can send of the rig if you like.
73 John AF5CC
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