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[AMPS] My apologies

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] My apologies
From: ()
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 12:17:06 EDT
On Mon, 21 Apr 1997 10:50:59 -0400 (EDT) Bill Fisher - W4AN
<> writes:
>My apologies to KM1H, W8JI and AG6K for inferring that they would 
>in anything but technical debate.  Those who have read this reflector 
>know such a suggestion is out of line on my part.  

No apology required since I did not even bother to reply to your prior
blast.....the Delete key gets rid of garbage very well, thank you. 

Thank you though to others who spoke up.

We should all remember that  there are regional (in the USA) differences
in what is considered appropriate language, behavior, etc. What is
perfectly acceptable up here in New Hampshire may not go over too well
down South, etc. The same is true of our International readers. Over time
it will all work out fine, I am sure, as we learn more about each other.
 If for instance, someone down South feels the urge to fuss about one of
my comments he should take the time to visit one of the NH or Maine Town
Meetings. I consider myself mild by local standards!

A sense of humor goes a long way.

73....Carl   KM1H

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