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[AMPS] Ameritron ALS-600

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Ameritron ALS-600
From: KevNathan@DSB.WA.GOV (Nathan, Kevin)
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 15:22:53 -0700
Hi All,

I am new to the reflector although I was here a few years back.  I have an
Ameritron ALS-600 solid state amp which I like very much.  The transceiver I
use with it is the Icom IC-746.  I am totally blind and it is very easy for
me to use this amp.

There is just one small problem I hope someone on this list may have
experienced and for which I hope there is an easy cure.  When I key the amp
on CW, it does not reach full power instantaneously.  Therefore, the dits of
a code character, particularly if they are the lead item sent, aren't always
sent at full power.  I have an audio device that indicates actual RF, not
meter readings, and this device takes a perceivable fraction of a second to
reach its highest pitch which indicates maximum RF through it.  Does anyone
on the list have any idea as to what may cause this and what the fix might

I am subscribed to this list at my work address so please also address any
feedback you have for me to my home email which is

Thanks much and 73.
Kevin, K7RX

Kevin Nathan, Independent Living Coordinator
Dept. of Services for the Blind 
3411 S. Alaska
Seattle, Wa 98118
Voice:  (206) 721-6450
Toll Free:  (800) 552-7103
Fax:  (206) 721-6403

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