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[Amps] My new Toy. Off Topic...

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] My new Toy. Off Topic...
From: (Larry Botkin)
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2002 11:48:23 -0500
I could have sworn you were asking for constructive criticism. Particularly 
for a commercial website...   Really, if you don't want to know, don't ask !

Larry   N90PC    (Since 1963)

P.S. I can handle 3 languages pretty easily.. 4 if you count Latin (I don't).

It is easy to be caustic... Its a bit more harder to be constructive ...
So what is it that you are complaining ?
I will say it is not bad for AMERICAN is my second language :)

How many languages are you commanding, my friend ? I bet for NONE!


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