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[Amps] Tube checkers

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Tube checkers
From: "Bob Kirkland" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 10:48:10 -0400
List-post: <>
I have an old Sencore tube checker, it has a very sensative gas bridge in
it. Using an octal plug with 8 color coded clip leads almost any transmiting
tube can be checked for gas and emission. A seperate filament / heater
transformer is used and on some tubes a blower is aimed at the base. no
socket is necessary just clip on the pins. For tetrodes use the 6L6 settings
and for triodes 6B4. These settings are not accurate but if you have a known
good tube you can fiddle around with the settings and calibrate for it.
Works very well.


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