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[Amps] Magnet wire ratings

To: "" <>
Subject: [Amps] Magnet wire ratings
From: Will Matney <>
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 09:03:39 -0400
List-post: <>
Somebody on the reflector wanted to know the voltage rating on magnet wire used in transformers-chokes a while back. I didn't have that info on the transformer webpage either so I researched it for inclusion and wanted to post it here for whoever
needed the info. Hopefully, this will hold the formatting when it's sent in so if
it doesn't, e-mail me for clarification or any questions. Keep in mind that the
breakdown voltage is not the operating voltage. The operating voltage should be
times two (X2) of the breakdown rating. Therefore, Formvar insulation would yield
an operating voltage of 5 Kv and Imideze would be 6 Kv. Hope this helps!


Will Matney

COATING MATERIAL BUILD DC BREAKDOWN ---------- ----------------- ----- ------------

Thermaleze-T (TZT) polyester-imide 2.8mils 11kV

Armored Polythemaleze                                3.05mils        11kV
(APTZ)                   modified polyester and
                        modified polyamide-imide

Imideze (ML) Aromatic polyimide 2.9mils 12kV

Formvar                  modified polyviynyl         3.0mils         10kV

Sodereze modified polyurethane 2.9mils 8.5kV

Nyleze                   Polyurethane                2.9mils         8.5kV
                        and polyamide

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