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Re: [Amps] [A bit OT] PEP reading for a Bird

To: "R.Measures" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] [A bit OT] PEP reading for a Bird
From: "kenw2dtc" <>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004 12:06:47 -0500
List-post: <>
"To accurately read PEP, one needs to use that which is used to calibrate PEP wattmeters -- i. e., a calibrated oscilloscope, a HV RF probe, and a 50-ohm termination."

To add to that: I use a Bird 43 with the Bird 4300-400 Peak Power Kit with my AM transmitter. When I run 3.885 mHz amplitude modulation tests into a Bird dummy load I find that when my audio generator goes above 2.5 kHz the peak reading starts to go down. At 4 kHz the peak reading value is somewhere between the steady state carrier and the real PEP as noted by the clean undiminished signal on the oscilloscope using RF sampling from the dummy load. As I go higher in audio frequency, at some point the peak reading and the carrier reading are the same, yet the scope shows no change in PEP amplitude.

With voice tests on a microphone, using the same setup, the peak reading kit and the scope track fine.



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