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[Amps] 2 x GS 31

Subject: [Amps] 2 x GS 31
From: "Geert Hofman" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 09:31:13 -0000
List-post: <>
Hi folks,


With the help of a fellow ham, we have finally headed of in building our
HF contest amp. It is based on 2 x GS 31 , which should run cool at 1 KW
in RTTY. So no worries there. Can anyone confirm that for the input
filter we should base our design on 50 to 25 / 30 ohms matching network
iso of a 50 to 50/55 . Seems logical , but just want to be sure. Thanks 


Geert Hofman

Amateur radio Station : ON4IG


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