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Re: [Amps] International Radio Service Division

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] International Radio Service Division
From: "Jim Brown" <>
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2006 07:50:03 -0600
List-post: <>
On Wed, 1 Mar 2006 14:29:10 -0500, FoxRun wrote:

>So some patience and benefit of the doubt may go a long way toward getting
>things resolved in a diplomatic manner.  Maybe the poor guy is having a
>health problem, family crisis, or other emergency. We really don't
>know...When cool heads prevail everybody wins.

Yes. Remember that ham radio is a small world, and the service of ham gear is 
a very small business. I don't know anything about the company or person 
involved or how good or bad their service is. But "working out of his house" 
can be a GOOD thing, not a bad one. I've had my only office at home for 25 
years; my wife has done so for the last seven.   

Now, I don't know about you, but I try to take a vacation every year. Would 
you deny the proprietor of a small home business that fixes ham gear the right 
to go on vacation?  Many businesses I've dealt with over the years have moved, 
and these moves can sometimes cause some companies to shut down for a week or 
more. I'm going to be doing that myself over the next month or so! In this 
case, the reply received indicates that he was having major repairs done. I've 
had friends who have had to stay in hotel rooms for weeks at a time. 

Non-response to email?  Some folks have internet access under rather limited 
circumstances. Most of us have good/cheap access only at home. In some areas, 
open WiFi is easy to find, in others it is not. FWIW, putting your phone on 
autodial seems way over the top to me. That action alone could fill up lots of 
telephone answering systems. 


Jim Brown K9YC

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