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Re: [Amps] "I gotta tell this"

To: <>, <>,"carl s." <>, "N7HIY" <>,<>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] "I gotta tell this"
From: "k7fm" <>
Reply-to: k7fm <>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 06:03:56 -0800
List-post: <>
>If one calls 10 times in a pile up to work the DX with 100 watts, and once 
>with a kW

Since I like 75 meters dx, I operate mostly in the winter.  In that case, 
the waste heat generated simply supplies heat to the occupied room.  If I 
was operating qrp, I would need supplemental heat.  The more inefficient the 
amplifier is, the more heat that is supplied to the room and the less the 
normal heat is required.

Have you ever seen a cat want to curl up on top of a qrp rig?  Cats love 
vacuum tubes.  They especially love DX-100s and SX-101s.  I have seen one 
high power amplifier that would lift the cat off the cabinet when it was 
fired up, but that is another story.

73,  Colin  K7FM

Note to Peter:  You fit right at the top of the rationalization expert 
chart.  Right up there with Picasso, who told his mistress he left the dust 
on his paintings to protect them from ultraviolet rays. Good work. 

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