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Re: [Amps] Cal Lab

Subject: Re: [Amps] Cal Lab
From: "Will Matney" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:11:27 -0400
List-post: <>
Those little hand drills are also good for PC boards when constructing any AMP 
project. I still have my dads I use. I was brought up calling them by their old 
name of brace and bit, the brace being the hand drill. For any who read this 
post, I did get a quote on the aforementioned tools that was spoken of. I would 
be glad to foward it to any interested with the distributors address. I don't 
want to get in trouble for talking about a taboo subject on here.



*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 4/24/06 at 4:30 AM R; Measures wrote:

>On Apr 23, 2006, at 6:10 PM, Bill Turner wrote:
>> At 05:44 PM 4/23/2006, Administrator wrote:
>>> This is *NOT* the "test and measurement forum."  Please confine the
>>> topics here to amplifier related issues.  Calibration standards, old
>>> test equipment and hand tools do not belong here ...
>>> Those who continue to push the limits will be unsubscribed without
>>> further warning.
>> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
>> I am really getting tired of this administrator's censorship.
>Is there another amplifier discussion group like this one that does not 
>have a censor?
>> OF COURSE calibration standards belong here, as do test equipment and
>> hand tools! How can you build amplifiers without them?
>When hand tools become obsolete, so am I.   Yes, I still own a 
>1940-model Stanley® hand crank drill with a hollow wooden handle that 
>holds smaller size drill bits.  It works FB every time when the battery 
>craps out on my electric drill.
>> Any more of this censorship and I will unsubscribe immediately, and I
>> hope others will too.
>> There is always on Usenet and the
>> rfamplifiers group on Yahoo.
>> Administrator, mend your ways!
>> Bill, W6WRT
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>Rich Measures, 805.386.3734, AG6K,

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