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Re: [Amps] Class A fo AM

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Class A fo AM
From: "Jim Tonne" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 09:32:51 -0500
List-post: <>
> It got a bad rep because AM ops didn't switch off 
> their receiver's AGC - in those days, they were either 
> CW or Phone ops (has anything changed?).

Bugs me when the "controlled carrier" fellows allow 
their signal level to drop down between words to maybe
15 or 20 dB below their "full modulation" level, for that
very reason.  The commercial shortwave rigs only drop
the carrier level to a maximum of 6 dB (adjustable in
one dB steps) between words.   6 dB is all you ever
need to keep the PA cooled down (or the power bill
lowered) and the full-AGC receivers perform nicely.

- JimT

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