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Re: [Amps] RE : Water Types

To: "'Colin Lamb'" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] RE : Water Types
From: "Harold Mandel" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 18:31:08 -0500
List-post: <>
Okay, now that the water-quality-of-life issue is 
agreeable with us all, let's talk about what Jos
is saying.

If pure ethyl alcohol (well, not absolute ethanol but a reasonable tincture)
in the C2H6O family were used, would this be less conductive than
pure water? (It's less acidic than water).

After all, the manufacturers all speak about using Ethylene Glycol
tinctures in RF loads. I wonder how ethanol in the Stanley Steamers
and Econoloads would fare?

Jos, you may have something going here....


"What about using a good bottle of " Dry Gin " ?"

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