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Re: [Amps] ALS-600S... good news!

To: Vic K2VCO <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] ALS-600S... good news!
From: schuetzen <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 16:06:24 -0600
List-post: <>
Vic K2VCO wrote:
> Björn Mohr wrote:
>> I didn't know about the "S" version of the ALS-600 until reading about it on
>> this reflector. I am looking for an auto band switching amp, so this is good
>> news to me. Especially since this amp is lower cost that my other options.
>> I found some information on the Ameritron website, and it looks like a good
>> alternative to THP or Expert at half the price. The trade off is lower power
>> and less "styling".
> Where do they say that there is an automatic bandswitching version? All 
> I see on their website is a mention of 'instant' bandswitching. But the 
> schematic shows a rotary switch directly switching filters, not relays.

As I stated earlier
Ameritron is shipping the last of their ALS600s now ... the NEW ALS600 
will have a new faceplate with the capability of hooking up an ARI500 
interface via telephone lines (RC45) between the 600's faceplate and the 
ARI500.  THIS hookup gives you AUTOMATIC bandswitching as you change 
frequencies on your exciter.

The ALS600"S" is simply the ALS600 WITH A SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY !!!  It 
has been sold in that fashion for about 4 yrs or more ??

Ameritron is bringing out a kit to backward convert the old ALS 600s to 
the new version which is shipping as old supply stocks are used up. 
iow, if R&L needs a dozen ALS600s with standard PS, Ameritron may ship 3 
of the new version and 9 of the old version.  Which one you get depends 
on how good an "in" you have with R&L.  I believe that a couple of these 
dealers have a waiting list.

Just REMEMBER, do NOT order an ALS600S and think that you are getting 
the new ALS600.  You may or may not.  But you WILL get a switching power 
supply with whatever amp you do receive.

hope that is cleared up now ... <G>

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