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[Amps] cooling chimney?

To: AMPS submit <>
Subject: [Amps] cooling chimney?
From: Stirling Schmidt <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2008 18:18:57 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <">>
Hi all:
    Here are 2 off-the-wall ideas:  Can clock-type glass domes (with hole cut 
in top) be safely used for chimneys to fit antique globe shaped tubes like 
RK65/5D23, 304TL, 250TH?  Also, what if cooling air is introduced inside a 
chimney via a 90-degree elbow or 2, so as to cause a 'swirl', and increase 
cooling efficiency?  Any thoughts appreciated...
Stirling Schmidt KC0NXM
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