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Re: [RFI] So-Called Utility "Smart Meters"

To: EP Swynar <>
Subject: Re: [RFI] So-Called Utility "Smart Meters"
From: Kirb Nesbitt <>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 11:19:00 -0600
List-post: <">>
it is most likely an Itron system. Can you determine whether it is a 
wired (PLC based) or 900 Mhz wireless? Itron along with many other 
AMR/ANI systems use the 902-923 Mhz band for communication between their 
Mesh/data collector sites and the meter ERT units. I have heard reports 
out of Ontario that RAC is looking into the interference potential as it 
pertains to licensed amateur radio operation in the 900 Mhz band.


Kirb - VE6IV

EP Swynar wrote:
> Good Morning All,
> The good folks here at the Ontario Hydro generating outfit (or WHATEVER it is 
> that they might call themselves this week) have elected to install so-called 
> "smart meters", in place of the regular old-fashioned ones, at the street AC 
> drop point outside of everyone's house...
> For the uninitiated, "smart meters" automatically keep track of power usage 
> in each home, and then charge rates according to whether or not it's "peak / 
> prime" time, or otherwise...apparently (as I understand it) these odious 
> devices are in constant communication wirelessly with "Big Brother", feeding 
> the data to some central collection point, to calculate final billing...and 
> they mark the end of days for the old-fashioned, traditional humanoid meter 
> reader.
> Oh yes, did I mention that this is all a "...GOOD thing" for Ontario...?
> Anyway, I'm VERY curious if any Hams reading this, who may have already had 
> smart meters installed at their respective QTHs, have experienced any sort of 
> RFI either to, or from, the readers...? I wrote a strongly-worded letter to 
> the local co-ordinator of this effort, and received a phone message back from 
> one of his minions that I would be hearing from them shortly...that was about 
> a month ago.
> The monitor was installed at my QTH here a coupla days ago, but the system is 
> not yet operational.
> Any sage words from the ranks of the knowledgeable...? 
> Thanks in advance, & my vy
> ~73!~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
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