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[Amps] Tuning my SB-1000

Subject: [Amps] Tuning my SB-1000
From: Tom Mandera <>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 00:24:21 -0600
List-post: <">>
Things look better after another day of research and thinking..

First, the cover came off for photos and cursory inspection, with
nothing visibly damaged.

After a bunch of pictures, the cover went back on.

Idle current, with the relay shorted but no exciter input, was the
desired 80ma.

I then tried tuning it up to 3900 on 80M (75) again.

Plate wound up nearly mid point on the dial (straight up), Load at 4.3.

As indicated by the meters, with about 9/10 drive from the exciter, I
was in the neighborhood of 170ma Grid, 500ma Plate key down.

The power indicated perhaps 200w on the built in (amp) power meter,
though I'm told they're notorious liars.  I need to dig out my SWR/watt
meter and determine if it'll take 1,000w before I hook it up inline to
verify.  I didn't find any one to do an A/B test with tonight, but
perhaps tomorrow night.

No bad noises tonight, so that's a good thing.

I located two hams with a total of 5 tube testers tonight.  I haven't
placed a call yet to get some assistance with tuning the amp by someone
that knows what they're doing.  Perhaps this weekend - I need to clean
up my station a bit if I'm going to have guests over. :)

Thank you all for your assistance,


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