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Re: [Amps] [Heathkit] The SB-220

To: k5jv <>, Amps <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] [Heathkit] The SB-220
From: chas <>
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 19:01:00 -0500
List-post: <">>
k5jv wrote:
> Greetings to all,
>         I usually do not comment on topics like this but could not resist 
> this time.  I, also, have been repairing amps for about 40 years -- have 
> probably worked on 100 SB-220's.  I think it is the best watt/dollar 
> available in an amplifier today.  However, as it was originally designed, it 
> is just an accident looking for a place to happen.

I want to add an "Attaboy LON!" here because I personally own one of his 
SB220 mod jobs and it is a pure pleasure to operate.  I just wish that I 
could use the SSB side of the switch but without replacing the bank of 
capacitors with a set of 10, then reconfigurating the meter - I am stuck with 
what I have.
and that is, an amp that is permanently set in a slightly weak SSB position 
by using the CW/Tune switch.  iow, in that position with the Peter Dahl 
transformer and all the mods, it does up to 1kw.  flip on the SSB switch and 
it hums and buzzes and the meters peg.

Really need to take it back to Lon but it is too heavy and Lon's lighthouse 
stairs are just too much for my knees to take.<G>

But then, who needs more than a KW anyway??  if you do, go get a bigger amp.

Thanks Lon for an amp I have thoroughly enjoyed for about 2 yrs now.  Super 
job.!  Just wish I could find some like mine (well, with a properly operating 
SSB switch<G>) for all the members of Army MARS in Texas.  Then maybe we 
could hear each other.. hi!



--   k5dam  Houston, TX
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