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Re: [Amps] Heath copyright

To: "Saandy Eban" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Heath copyright
From: "Van K7VS" <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 07:26:44 -0700
List-post: <">>
Hi Alex.  On the other hand there are many responsible manufactures that 
DON't give away their manuals.  As an example I just had to spend $20.00 for 
manual and shipping for a small manual for my Mercury Outboard motor I 
misplaced.  I have also been charged for manuals by Sears here in the 
states.  I think its great that many companies have moved manuals to the 
internet but some make money by charging for them.  I don't like it either 
but have no qualms about the purchase and I don't beat my gums all over the 
internet about it!!  Responsible individuals have removed Heathkit manuals 
from their websites which was the right thing to do.  I've told Don if I 
were he I would go after that jerk in England that has some of the heath 
manuals on his site.  He knows he is violating international cop write laws. 
By the way this has been one of the more civil disagreements and discussions 
we have had recently!

73  Van, K7VS 

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