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Re: [Amps] arrrrgggg!!

To: "'' amps ''" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] arrrrgggg!!
From: N1BUG <>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 19:14:28 -0400
List-post: <">>
>> Hi Carey, flapper tuning is the best (maybe only) method for resonating a
>> strip line plate circuit.
> I think Carey said he was using the YU1AW 'lazy builder' circuit. That's
> not the usual resonant stripline with capacitive coupling design.
> Visualising it on Smith chart is the easiest way for me to think about
> how it works. Probably long before YU1AW, N1BUG built a 4CX1000 amp that
> way, with stripline instead of the lumped inductor YU1AW uses.

Yes, and it was tuned with a vacuum variable. The output coupling 
was a flapper. I often regretted parting with that amp, as it was in 
many respects better than what succeeded it.

Paul N1BUG
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