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[Amps] Plate Cap Quandary

Subject: [Amps] Plate Cap Quandary
From: Radio WC6W <>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 09:18:45 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <">>
    I'm contemplating a single 4CX350FJ (Cout = 7pF) amplifier for 250 watts on 

       where the plate impedance, at 2200 volts, figures to be 5000 ohms

       and requires a (total) plate C circa 15pF on 10 meters,

       which makes for a rather hard to find (air variable) plate cap. 

    So, I thought what if I take two MC325M, 1KV caps  (min C. 14pF)

       with the contoured plates for nicer tuning, gang the shafts, and run 
them in series  
       resulting in a theoretical min. C of 7 pF (plus strays naturally) 

    Does this make sense?   Has it ever been done?

       Yes, I'm aware of the 1uH plate L network kluge.

    Or should I just add a second tube, run twice the power at half the 

        and sidestep the whole situation?

    Constructive thoughts or tangential comments both welcome! :-)

73 & Good morning,
   Marv WC6W

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