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[Amps] Babying radios conclusion

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Babying radios conclusion
From: Charles Harpole <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 03:49:43 +0000
List-post: <">>
>From all generous replies and my reading Google hits, I conclude that the only 
>way to "baby" a radio is to leave it always on or always off.

As my msg say, I asked to eliminate considerations of "mfg defects" or "misuse" 
(and poor design that traps heat, etc.).  These matters were what I 
specifically eliminated in my questions.  I wanted to know if the owner could 
do anything to baby a well designed, correctly operated radio. The owner can 
control the heating and cooling cycles of the radio, which seems to cause 
problems, so I do have AN answer, but..............


1. If a tube is left on, under continuous proper usage and under correct load, 
what causes it to fail ?  And, what is "soft"?


2.  Same question for transistors.


Especially for transistors because they are inert devices that do not need to 
heat up to work, and are made of sand.



Post script...  Running a transceiver at less than its rated RF output DOES NOT 
"SAVE" it from wearing out, IF its heat dissipation is correct.  However heat 
does seem to accelerate the degradation of many components.  Too, most things 
made with plasticizers (like DVDs and some circuit boards) will see evaporation 
of the plasticizers by the nature of the chemistry of the materials.  
Chemical/physical interaction of dissimilar metals bonded together cause the 
metal lower on the Chart of Elements to gradually lose its molecules (why that 
action is not immediate is a puzzle) which is why antenna connections fail, for 
example, where copper and aluminum are joined.  Another matter not under the 
control of operators is "cold flow" inside a curve stressed coax cable, for 
example, but it also takes time. The idea of slowly raising the voltage on a 
tube filament upon "turn on" remains a disputed area (to do or not to do, that 
is the question).


So my questions 1 and 2 remain in my weak mind.  But, I am sure right now that 
a ham operator can NOT "baby" his correctly designed and correctly operated 
radio after he turns it on and uses it.




Charles Harpole                                         
Amps mailing list

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