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[Amps] Fwd: Re: Oscilloscope Purchase

To: amps <>
Subject: [Amps] Fwd: Re: Oscilloscope Purchase
From: Ron Youvan <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 08:39:04 -0400
List-post: <">>
   Bill Turner wrote:

> Be aware that the 465 and 465B are very different scopes. They share the
> same root number and nearly identical specs but the B version is
> electrically much improved. It has an better trigger system and is much
> easier to calibrate the bandpass flatness. The 465 was very difficult to
> get it to 100 MHz whereas the 465B made 100 MHz easily and most units
> would reach 125 MHz and more.
> The 465 is a good scope, but if you have a choice, go for the B version.

   That is because the 465 (I have one) was USABLE to 100 MHz, but FLAT to 60 
MHz.  So not being
flat to 100 is no surprise.  They were sold concurrently.
I also have a 475A which is flat to 350 MHz, which I dearly love. It has faster 
sweep speeds and
more vertical sensitivity, but it doesn't have the frequency response of the 
lower gain settings.  I
can look at a low output dynamic mic with it with ease.
I prefer the switches on the 465 to the 465B. (mainly the bandwidth switch)  I 
have used both
extensively and I have detected no triggering differences.

   Ron Youvan -

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