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Re: [Amps] high voltage fuses

To: Amps <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] high voltage fuses
From: Bill Turner <>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 08:34:09 -0700
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On Thu, 10 Oct 2013 07:57:20 -0700, Hardy wrote:

>I don't get the meter connection. Do you mean a diode in series with a 
>resistor and then that series combination across the meter?


No. The meter and resistor are in series. The diode is placed across the
both of them. In other words, the diode goes from the side of the meter
which is not connected to the resistor to the side of the resistor which is
not connected to the meter. The point where the resistor and meter are
connected is not connected to anything else. 

I always use two diodes, back to back just in case of reverse current. 

73, Bill W6WRT
Amps mailing list

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