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[Amps] Arctic Silver with and without silver

To: "" <>
Subject: [Amps] Arctic Silver with and without silver
From: Mike Waters <>
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2015 07:58:42 -0600
List-post: <">>
I just ordered Arctic Silver thermal grease from Newark. What I actually
received was labeled "Arctic Alumina", "Premium Ceramic Polysynthetic
Thermal Compound, By Arctic Silver". It's white, and not silver-colored
like some kind of thermal grease that I had in the past. It was
drop-shipped from MCM Electronics, and no mention was made of the above
details when I ordered it on Newark's main web site.

According to what I found on a couple of computer overclocking web sites,
the thermal conductivity of Arctic Silver 5 (containing actual powdered
silver) and what I received above (with no silver), is the same. I don't
know how that can be the true, since silver is so much more thermally
conductive than anything else except copper. Anyone have any experience or
thoughts on this?

73, Mike

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 8:50 PM, Gary Smith <> wrote:
[Subject was: Re: [Amps] Astron Power Supply replies]

> Mention was made of Arctic Silver; I have some Arctic Silver 5 & some of
> their Ceramique which I too used in overclocking computers. I can certainly
> remove & replace the heat sink compound with this, not a big job and using
> it did lower my core temps on the computer processor.
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