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Re: [Amps] MFJ products

Subject: Re: [Amps] MFJ products
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2017 06:36:12 -0600
List-post: <>
Many years ago I dismantled several old broadcast transmitters, and I built a bench supply out of two 7 volt 180 amp filament transformers
( tubes with handles ).   Another similar transformer served as a choke input.
It had about 1/2 volts ripple at 18 volts out. I built a regulated pass transistor to a one ohm resistive load as a way to test the supply under load.

I found that I could set the pass transistors 10 2n3055s to just at the middle of the 1/2 volt ripple and the pre-regulator voltage ripple could almost be eliminated. If I recall correctly, the load dissipated around 50-100 watts.

Re-tapping the primaries of the two transformers to 260vac gave around 15 volts, which I ran to the back of the radio desk for the Icom, Kenwood, and Yaesu radios.

I thought about using a 250vac variac on the primaries, but none of my radios or projects ever caused the supply to drop below 13 volts, and all of the radios were comfortable at 15 volts.


ps...... if you are "really" concerned about a pass transistor shorting out, put a marine storage battery between your supply and your radios.
( Proper fuses of course )

The battery becomes a "MEGA-capacitor" and eliminates surges/brownouts/spikes
from damaging your $5000 toys.

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