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[Amps] Hi-pot testing

Subject: [Amps] Hi-pot testing
From: Steve Bookout <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2021 17:39:46 -0500
List-post: <>
Hello all,

Several months ago, I had a problem with a 40 year old HB amp for 160.  Just sitting there, it started making an arcing noise (sort of) and showed plate current jumping around.

Now, I'm finally looking into it.  I'm using a HB hi-pot tester and am testing pieces and parts up to their voltage rating.  FYI, the plate voltage is 4 KV and most things are rated much higher. �I was checking things out at 5 to 6 KV with very minimal current showing.  Happy with that.

Question:  Someone once told me that new Eimac tubes were tested at twice their rated voltage.  Ok, fine.  What about capacitors?    So, what should it test if it were brand new?

73 de Steve, NR4M
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