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[Amps] Vacuum Variable Cap Rebuild

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Vacuum Variable Cap Rebuild
From: "Paul Christensen" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2021 18:47:23 -0400
List-post: <>
Anyone know if it's possible to rebuild a vacuum variable cap?  It would
require a precision break of the seals, then evacuating the air with a new

A cap used on my 160m transmit "T" failed a few months ago.  While
dismantling the antenna at the season's end, I brought the cap back home and
purchased a Megger 230425 Hi-Pot test set.  After testing today, the cap
repeatedly breaks down at 700V, although it's rated for 5KV. 

It would be a shame to discard; it's an expensive Jennings ceramic type with
a range of 25-5000 pF.  Used, they're $1,500 ea. from MaxGain Systems.  I
only need a range to about 1200 pF, so I can definitely get by with an
alternate that's on the shelf.  That's not the issue.  I would like to save
the cap if possible.  I'm not sure what conglomerate owns Jennings now but I
doubt they would have a rebuild service when it's much more profitable to
sell new caps.

Paul, W9AC   

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