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[Amps] QRO Technologies HF2000 plate choke, cont.

To: "" <>
Subject: [Amps] QRO Technologies HF2000 plate choke, cont.
From: John Keating <>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2021 02:16:27 +0000
List-post: <>
Hello again list,

I received a few responses to my last post including and some photos of the 
plate choke from the original QRO HR2000 amps. They seem to be close wound with 
something like 120 turns on the 1.5" diameter delrin form, giving about 175uH. 
I tried winding a few versions like that and find resonances in the ham bands. 
I'm wondering how the other amps work in that condition.

Second, bigger issue, that drove me to investigate the OEM choke design is that 
the Ameritron plate chokes I have been using in that amp burn in their center 
sections on tune-up key down on 10m. Looking for suggestions to remedy that 

73, John
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