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Re: [Amps] Western Electric

To: <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Western Electric
From: <>
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 02:37:43 -0400
List-post: <>
FWIW, I'm a Fellow of the AES, have been a member of the AES Standards 
Committee Working Group on Microphones for 30 years, and am still Vice-Chair of 
the Working Group on EMC. When I was active in the industry (about 40 years) I 
attended at least one AES Convention a year. 
I've yet to meet Bob Heil or anyone from his company, nor do I recall seeing a 
booth for his company. His claim to fame is as a rock and roll sound man for 
one or more big acts.

Hmm, thank you. That is most interesting.

When he spoke to my local club via Zoom recently, I made sure to have my trusty 
Shure SM7B visible. He was not amused.

Look up most of his presentations on Youtube and count the Plosives. 😊

That said, I've owned and gotten good audio reports using a couple of his 
microphones on the air, the HM-12, and the HM-Pro. 
I still own and use those HTH headsets with my various HT's. 
I'm not anti-Heil products per se, just some of them. (PRAS EQ, and the HMM, a 
$85 plastic hand mic)

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