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[Amps] 10 kw CCS on 6M..using the 3CX-6000A7...Part 9.

Subject: [Amps] 10 kw CCS on 6M..using the 3CX-6000A7...Part 9.
From: "jim.thom" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2022 15:03:45 -0700
List-post: <>
10 kw CCS on 6M..using the 3CX-6000A7...Part 9.

Ok, here the hb plate choke is wound on a solid teflon rod.  It sits dead
center on top of the square copper plate. Copper plate bonds all 4 x bypass
caps....and is also where the 6 kv will terminate.  The square copper plate
heatsinks the tops of the 4 x caps.  The chassis  heatsinks the bottoms of
the same 4 x caps.

The termination for the top of the winding....will be wired straight
across  to the outer circumference of the anode.  The  .515" thick walled
teflon chimney as sold by ICA manufacturing, is 6" tall.   Scott had him
cut it down a bit, down to 5" tall.    Done that way, the top portion of
the anode is then exposed, and a copper strap will be wrapped around the
entire circumference of the anode.

This strap will be used to terminate the B+.  It will also be used to
terminate the plate block cap assy.
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  • [Amps] 10 kw CCS on 6M..using the 3CX-6000A7...Part 9., jim.thom <=