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Re: [Amps] Amp Pricing(??)

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Amp Pricing(??)
From: Rob Atkinson <>
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2022 15:52:29 -0600
List-post: <>
I agree with Jim VE7RF on the exposed anode tubes.  You may have a
good 8877 amp and it will outlast you but your perspective is not that
of someone entering the market.  What if he goes for an 8877 or 3cx800
amplifier and gets stuck with a dud.  Now he has to find a good tube.
Check the prices of those tubes new.  Sure, if a buyer has a buddy who
won't stick him then that's different.  For example, I wouldn't
recommend a BTI amp with a 3-1000 to someone unless the seller is his
friend and he's done a demo and throws in a good spare.   Ditto for a
4-1000 homebrew job.   If I were looking for 500 watts it would be a
no-brainer--I'd look for one of those AL80Bs.

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