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Subject: INT Log
From: ae2t@wny.com (ae2t@wny.com)
Date: Sun Jul 23 14:10:39 1995
Starting Name: AL
Total QSO: 49
Rig: TS-850S  Ant: A3S @ 45', Inverted V for 40m  Logging: 486DX & TRLog

 Band    Date    Time  QSO#  Call worked   Rcvd  Name         Qth
 ----    ----    ----  ----  -----------   ----  ----        -----
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:22    1  K7SV            32  JOHN        VT
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:27    2  NA4K            14  LARRY       TN
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:28    3  K5ZD            40  RICK        MA
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:30    4  K4PQL           47  NOCK        NC
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:30    5  K6LL            42  ED          AZ
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:33    6  N6TR            49  JOHN        ORE
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:35    7  WQ5L            36  BOB         MS
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:37    8  NA4K            23  BOB         TN
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:38    9  N0BSH           57  RICH        WI
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:39   10  K2MM            43  PAT         CA

 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:43   11  N6TV            64  PETE        CA
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:43   12  N6ZZ            54  GENE        TX
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:44   13  NC6U            37  PHIL        CA
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:46   14  N8NA             1  KARL        MI
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:52   15  WI2E            40  STU         CT
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:53   16  WE9V            25  ED          IL
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:54   17  K1DG            57  TODD        NH
 20CW  23-Jul-95 01:56   18  K1AR            14  JOHN        NY
 40CW  23-Jul-95 02:14   19  N2AA            83  SULTAN      NJ
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:20   20  W5ASP           41  TONY        TX

 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:20   21  N6TR           125  PHIL        ORE
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:21   22  N7LOX           89  TEX         WA
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:22   23  N6TV           124  VAN         CA
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:24   24  K2MM            91  TEX         CA
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:25   25  K6LL           115  JACK        AZ
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:26   26  K4PQL          123  DOUG        NC
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:26   27  K7GM            33  VIC         NC
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:28   28  K5ZD           135  SULTAN      MA
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:28   29  N0BSH          142  PETE        WI
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:31   30  K2MM            97  MARK        CA

 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:31   31  N6TR           140  VIC         ORE
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:34   32  K9MA            42  SULTAN      WI
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:35   33  N0BSH          144  MARK        WI
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:37   34  N6ZZ           127  STU         TX
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:38   35  N7LOX          109  VAN         WA
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:42   36  N8NA            52  GENE        MI
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:43   37  K5ZD           158  MIKE        MA
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:43   38  NC6U            88  PETE        CA
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:44   39  K9MA            49  SCOTT       WI
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:46   40  N6TR           163  PHIL        ORE

 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:49   41  W5ASP           60  JIM         TX
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:51   42  WQ5L           120  MIKE        MS
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:52   43  KM9P             1  BILL        GA
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:53   44  N6ZZ           146  GENE        TX
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:56   45  K6LL           154  BILL        AZ
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:57   46  K9MA            63  JIM         WI
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:58   47  W5ASP           70  RICH        TX
 20CW  23-Jul-95 02:59   48  N6ZZ           155  JIM         TX
 20CW  23-Jul-95 03:00   49  KM9P            14  SCOTT       GA

Started 20 min late.  I was out doing some last minute work on a 40m
antenna.  I shouldn't have bothered, I only made one QSO there.  QRN
on 40 was bad here.  20 was better.  Sorry to the station I wouldn't
work because I had worked him before.  It dawned on me as soon as it
was too late that I _could_ work him again!  Then I had to break
myself of the habit of hitting the space bar and dupe-checking
everyone and erasing the call.

Someday I'm gonna get the hang of this contest...
Someday I'll have a decent contest station...
Someday I'll be ready for a contest _before_ it starts!

Famous last words! 8-) Enjoyed it anyway!

73 Al AE2T

>From steve.wilson@almac.co.uk (STEVE WILSON)  Sun Jul 23 16:16:00 1995
From: steve.wilson@almac.co.uk (STEVE WILSON) (STEVE WILSON)
Subject: GW5LP/P in the IOTA Contest
Message-ID: <8ADC3D0.14120034C3.uuout@almac.co.uk>

To: cq-contest@tgv.com

IOTA Contest: 1200z Saturday 29th July - 1200z 30th July 1995

GW5LP/P will be active again this year from Anglesey, IOTA EU-124
during the IOTA Contest.  Operation during the contest will be both CW
& SSB, and on all bands 80 through 10 metres in the Multi-Operator
Island category.

Operators again this year are Lionel G5LP, Fred G4BWP and Steve G3VMW.
Please give us a call if you hear us QRV - we would love to improve on
our 3rd place last year!

We shall be running Vee Beams aimed at EU, W and JA plus at 70ft plus a
3 ele tribander at 60ft and dipoles for 80/40m.  There will be two
stations operational - a run station with an FT-1000 and TL-922 and a
multiplier station with a TS-930S and TL-922.

Computerised logging will be handled by EI5DI's program SDI.

QSLs are being handled by G5LP (QTHR) - please include a SAE and return
postage for direct QSLs.  Also, Lionel will be happy to QSL every QSO
via the bureau.

Operation outside of the contest will be made with the callsign
GC4MBC/P when RTTY QSOs will also be available - QSL to G4BWP (QTHR).

On behalf of all the operators at GW5LP/P, many thanks for your
support over the past two years.  We look forward to meeting many old
friends again during this year's contest.


Steve Wilson, G3VMW

 * 1st 2.00o #6466 * 

>From Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd@CapAccess.org  Sun Jul 23 21:28:57 1995
From: Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd@CapAccess.org (Rich L. Boyd)
Subject: discussions and intolerance
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91-FP.950723162250.4274E-100000@cap1.capaccess.org>

1.  Not all of us read our e-mail everyday, due to work schedules, 
vacation, etc.  So someties we (I) have several days of catching up to 
do.  All of my messages, several, and most of them short, were on one 
day, Saturday, not multiple days.

2.  I generally do not repeat the messages other people posted, contained 
within my message.  Initiating a response as a "re" is a convenience, to 
not have to retype the reflector adr.  You'll notice I didn't do that 
this time.

3.  I perceive a tendency for many to make pronouncements, which often 
end with expressions like "nuff said," to indicate they do not welcome 
further discussion.  To me free and open discussion is a good thing.  I 
perceive that many are intolerant, though, of divergent viewpoints and 
don't want to discuss issues.

4.  Many people, when they tire of a discussion, or want to avoid free 
and open discussion, launch insults.  I think they often do this when 
they run out of arguments to make on their side of the issue.

The above reasons are why many people who have good thoughts and good 
comments they COULD make, instead choose to keep quiet.  In any group 
there are wise and prudent people and there are loose cannons.  Loose 
canons will spout opinions on anything and everything at the drop of a 
hat.  We give over our forum to them by default if we keep silent.


Rich Boyd KE3Q

>From De Syam <syam@Glue.umd.edu>  Sun Jul 23 20:22:58 1995
From: De Syam <syam@Glue.umd.edu> (De Syam)
Subject: qrl?
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950723152121.2860G-100000@latte.eng.umd.edu>

On Sun, 23 Jul 1995 bill.lumnitzer@paonline.com wrote:

> QRL and all the other "Q" signals come from CW traffic handling, the
> precedent of contesting. "QRL?" means: "Are YOU busy?" (handling traffic)
> and was directed to a SPECIFIC station. Somehow, it has been transformed
> (incorrectly) over the last couple of decades to mean "Is this FREQUENCY
> busy?".  About half the time, if you send QRL? in a contest, a passerby
> will respond R and start CQing!
Actually KA2RRK told me that the proper Q-Signal for "Is the frequency in 
use" is QSU?

                                     Very 73,

                                    Fred Laun, K3ZO

>From headrick@radar.nrl.navy.mil (James M. Headrick)  Sun Jul 23 19:36:14 1995
From: headrick@radar.nrl.navy.mil (James M. Headrick) (James M. Headrick)
Subject: QRL?
Message-ID: <9507231836.AA14208@radar.nrl.navy.mil>

The "Q" code came from an International Radiotelegraph Convention much prior 
to WW II and was intennded to meet some of the major needs in international
radio communication. "QRL?  =  Are you busy?" and  "QRL  =  I am busy  
Please do not interfere" have  been in the code from the start.  
Probably radio amateurs were no consideration in its origin,  but some 
amateurs have found it useful and perhaps put their own little twist on it.

When I first got on the air QRA (The name of my station is......) 
was used by amateurs much like we now use QTH.  And although I was 
into traffic handling for a time, I dont remember QSL being used;  "R"
meant the message was copied complete, for anything less fills were
requested.  I guess amateur radio language is no more stationary than
that that we speak.

                        Jim w3cpb


>From Robert Penneys <penneys@brahms.udel.edu>  Sun Jul 23 19:05:38 1995
From: Robert Penneys <penneys@brahms.udel.edu> (Robert Penneys)
Subject: Need good wire antenna ideas
Message-ID: <199507231805.OAA05662@brahms.udel.edu>

We just cut down my tower and I have no HF antenna at all. I want to
put up some kind of wire loop or who knows what that could get me throught
the season. New tower later this year or next. All ideas welcomed. Tnx, Bob

Bob Penneys, WN3K           Internet:  penneys@brahms.udel.edu
      Frankford Radio Club    N.E.R.D.S.

>From Mr. Brett Graham" <bagraham@HK.Super.Net  Sun Jul 23 23:35:07 1995
From: Mr. Brett Graham" <bagraham@HK.Super.Net (Mr. Brett Graham)
Subject: IARU high claims #3
Message-ID: <199507232235.AA28105@is1.hk.super.net>

>From left to right, call, Qs/Zs/HQs or Qs/(Zs+HQs), score & comments.
This will be the last posting.
Single-op CW:
HA0DU   2200/(220)     ~2000000
S59AA   1906/125/77     1394810
N2IC    1766/130/43     1203734
SL0CB   1736/102/77     1097807 op:SM0TXT
W1WEF   1797/96/56      1077224
K5GN    1500/138/48     1010285
K3ZO    1671/(157)      1003701
WX0B    1429/(154)      833872  op:NM5M
S50D    1466/104/55     772422  op:S57AD
AA3B    1409/88/57      759655
K7SV    1119/(153)      640917
K8GL    1150/(141)      596000
AA4NU   1442/(117)      578816  op:K0EJ
WX9E    1293/86/35      531311
N6ZZ    1128/95/35      530140
N4TQO   1090/89/27      496016  @AG6D
WN3K    1059/73/41      436506
KR0Y    742/(139)       390000
N0BSH   1001/(122)      373198  @W9UP
WV5S    879/84/33       372294
N6KI    881/88/18       331674
WB0O    714/(121)       312906
N0DH    761/(115)       290835
KO9Y    676/72/38       258940
N4OGW   567/55/31       151618
KK9W    407/46/23       90045
W3GOI   350/40/9        61299
VS6BG   271/48/11       58351
W3CPB   228/34/33       47302
KD0AV   183/(36)        20412
AA8SM   137/24/12       18396
N7ENU   121/25/10       15295
NG3K    104/17/15       7434
Single-op phone:
WB2K    1355/100/52     734312
WS1A    1313/87/43      603850
W3BGN   1176/84/36      527280
WA7FOE  1310/91/23      486552
VE6JY   852/(139)       478438
N3ADL   1016/82/41      396798
JH5ZCP  844/78/28       384356  op:JR5JAQ
KB4WQO  1066/85/21      370364
KQ4HC   718/81/38       240142
N1PBT   610/57/29       116616
XJ7CFD  550/51/13       113152  op:VE7CFD
JH4RHF  298/48/30       95628
W1INF   510/37/16       68476   op:KB1GW
KG6LF   ?/?/?           53463
XE2AC   72/(26)         5512
Single-op both modes:
KF3P     2246/119/62     1530174 @W3LPL
AA4NC    1687/(159)      965522
KF0H     1745/(148)      941428
SM4GNU   1505/98/62      800567
N2BCC    1175/95/40      630585  @N2RM
KZ1M     1055/84/53      586223
K3WW     1068/82/49      513520
WJ2O/TF  1370/59/41      441600
KB2R     1030/71/46      405288  @K1KP
K2PS     718/67/32       282942
WA6KUI/4 733/72/41       219333
W6XR/2   815/59/19       204594
AA8OT    520/70/33       171392  @W8LT
N2MZH    584/60/37       160632
T94EU    404/(103)       124630
NS0B     360/66/32       119364
PI4ZLD   210/37/31       44880
N3BDA    192/43/18       41480
WA7BNM   183/35/17       31044
W9SZ     166/31/19       22900
K2YJL/M  93/(8)          1400
IR4T    2544/123/82     1954060 ops:I4UFH I4JMY I4YSS IK4IEE IK2QEI IK2HOG
WX0X    1940/146/57     1382024 @K4VX ops:K4VX AG9A WX3N
N3BB    1967/119/39     1078192 ops:N3BB AA5RB
K9SD    1327/(169)      814411  ops:KW0A WW9L KA0GGI KC9AL
NC0P    1577/(131)      692204  ops:NC0P WD0GVY WA0ETC WO0V WA0FLS WR0G
KA4RRU  1309/(149)      626992  ops:KA4RRU K3TLX KJ4VG
N3KZ    1300/80/49      535092  ops:WI2E WI2N
NF8R    1087/(140)      457940  ops:NF8R KA8D
N5EA    1010/(112)      411000
K6XO    1175/(80)       300000  ops:K6XO AB7GM KI7WX W0MHS
KX8D    564/67/38       168000  ops:N9DHN N9WHG
HG95DX  9300/(220+)    >6898894
W1AW    9765/177/77     6898894 ops:K1ZZ K1KI K1TO W1OD K1CC W1RM AA2Z
                                K5FUV N6BV
S50HQ   8000/?/?        ?
IARU HQ cheat sheet:
8J3XHQ          JARL
DA0HQ           DARC
EM5HQ           UARL
ER7A            ARM
GB5HQ           RSGB
HB9A            USKA
HG95HQ          MRASZ
IY2ARI          ARI
LT4E            RCA
LY1RMD          LRMD
LZ7A            BFRA
OL1HQ           CRK
OM5HQ           SARA
OT5H            UBA
R3HQ            SRR
S50HQ           ZRS
SK3HQ           SSA
SP0HQ           PZK
TM5M            REF
W1AW            ARRL
XE1LM           FMRE
XJ7RAC          RAC
YR0A            FRR
YU0HQ           SRJ
YV5AJ           RCV
Z30RSM          RSM
4V100RC         RCH
73, VS6BrettGraham aka VR2BG bagraham@hk.super.net

>From steve.wilson@almac.co.uk (STEVE WILSON)  Sun Jul 23 22:21:00 1995
From: steve.wilson@almac.co.uk (STEVE WILSON) (STEVE WILSON)
Subject: GW5LP/P in IOTA Contest
Message-ID: <8ADC53D.14120034D4.uuout@almac.co.uk>

IOTA Contest: 1200z Saturday 29th July - 1200z 30th July 1995
GW5LP/P will be active again this year from Anglesey, IOTA EU-124
during the IOTA Contest.  Operation during the contest will be both CW
& SSB, and on all bands 80 through 10 metres in the Multi-Operator
Island category.

Operators again this year are Lionel G5LP, Fred G4BWP and Steve G3VMW.
Please give us a call if you hear us QRV - we would love to improve on
our 3rd place last year!

We shall be running Vee Beams aimed at EU, W and JA at 70ft plus a
3 ele tribander at 60ft and dipoles for 80/40m.  There will be two
stations operational - a run station with an FT-1000 & TL-922 plus a
multiplier station with a TS-930S & TL-922.

Computerised logging will be handled by EI5DI's program SDI.

QSLs are being handled by G5LP (QTHR) - please include a SAE and return
postage for direct QSLs.  Also, Lionel will be happy to QSL every QSO
via the bureau.

Operation outside of the contest will be made with the callsign
GC4MBC/P when RTTY QSOs will also be available - QSL to G4BWP (QTHR).

On behalf of all the operators at GW5LP/P, many thanks for your
support over the past two years.  We look forward to meeting many old
friends again during this year's contest.



Steve Wilson

 * 1st 2.00o #6466 * 

>From ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short)  Mon Jul 24 02:14:46 1995
From: ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short) (Brian Short)
Subject: Computer Configuration (it works)
Message-ID: <199507240120.SAA28418@mailhost.primenet.com>

First, it does all work with CT etc.  

I use the DOS multiple boot-up configurations for some of the drivers.
One configuration boots up with network enabled, one boots up without.
My CONTEST configuration boots up without the sound drivers and the 
network drivers.

Only one boot-up configuration would not allow it to work, but with a
couple boot-up configurations, IT ALL DOES WORK!  Much thought went into
all this!  I did think of the obvious stuff.

>I don't think these configurations will work very well with CT.  Too
>many port and IRQ conflicts.  Suggest you try a LogicTech bus mouse
>on IRQ 2 instead of using serial mice, thereby freeing up one serial
>port/IRQ for other purposes.

If you notice, my "bus mouse" is at 338 IRQ 10.  It is a special board
that emulates a "bus mouse" but uses a serial mouse with a Logitech bus 
mouse driver.  IRQ 2 does not work on my system, tried it.  

There are NO port conflicts.  Some IRQs are overlapped, but these are
devices that do not operate at the same time (drivers not loaded etc).

>The Ethernet cards and sound cards will not coexist gracefully with the
>DVP.  You will need to move addresses and IRQs even if you are not
>"using them both at the same time."  Suggest you remove the sound cards
>and Ethernet cards before a phone contest, substituting in your DVP.

The ethernet board and DVP are not at the same address any longer.  One
is at 300, the other 303.  I had to fix that.  When I boot up for CONTEST
operation, the sound drivers are not loaded, so there is no IRQ conflict.  
I don't have to remove hardware, just don't load the drivers, which is what 
I do during any contest.

>>All COM ports must have a unique IRQ if you are going to use them all
>with CT.

Yes, I won't use my R-7000 scanner in CT.  Won't run both ethernet and
serial network in CT at same time.  Wont use the Pro-audio spectrum in
CT either.  All handled by the boot-up configuration.  I picked which
ports went where very carefully (it took some time).  CT can use all 
that it needs.

>In theory, you can cut a trace on the DVP board, and run a wire from
>a PC prototyping board that has been cut in half and inserted into
>the second half of the edge connector holding the DVP, giving you the
>DVP on IRQ 10, 11, 12 or 15, but I don't know anyone who has done
>this.  At Dayton K1EA said he would change DVPTSR so that the software
>would accept such high IRQ numbers (max is 7 today).

It works great as is.  More IRQ flexibility would be great, but don't
need it, now.

>By the way, W5XD just announced multi-transmitter networking support
>using Ethernet and Windows for Workgroups, instead of via serial ports,
>so there are other options to consider.  WriteLog doesn't support the
>DVP; it uses sound cards instead.  If you can get the levels right and
>rig up your own PTT line, it could work OK (no BACKCOPY, however).


>Bob, N6TV

Refer to your DOS manual under "MULTIPLE CONFIGURATIONS."  That is the 
missing link, I think.

73 Bob de Brian

>From ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short)  Mon Jul 24 02:15:21 1995
From: ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short) (Brian Short)
Subject: Computer Configuration (it works)
Message-ID: <199507240121.SAA28512@mailhost.primenet.com>

First, it does all work with CT etc.  

I use the DOS multiple boot-up configurations for some of the drivers.
One configuration boots up with network enabled, one boots up without.
My CONTEST configuration boots up without the sound drivers and the 
network drivers.

Only one boot-up configuration would not allow it to work, but with a
couple boot-up configurations, IT ALL DOES WORK!  Much thought went into
all this!  I did think of the obvious stuff.

>I don't think these configurations will work very well with CT.  Too
>many port and IRQ conflicts.  Suggest you try a LogicTech bus mouse
>on IRQ 2 instead of using serial mice, thereby freeing up one serial
>port/IRQ for other purposes.

If you notice, my "bus mouse" is at 338 IRQ 10.  It is a special board
that emulates a "bus mouse" but uses a serial mouse with a Logitech bus 
mouse driver.  IRQ 2 does not work on my system, tried it.  

There are NO port conflicts.  Some IRQs are overlapped, but these are
devices that do not operate at the same time (drivers not loaded etc).

>The Ethernet cards and sound cards will not coexist gracefully with the
>DVP.  You will need to move addresses and IRQs even if you are not
>"using them both at the same time."  Suggest you remove the sound cards
>and Ethernet cards before a phone contest, substituting in your DVP.

The ethernet board and DVP are not at the same address any longer.  One
is at 300, the other 303.  I had to fix that.  When I boot up for CONTEST
operation, the sound drivers are not loaded, so there is no IRQ conflict.  
I don't have to remove hardware, just don't load the drivers, which is what 
I do during any contest.

>>All COM ports must have a unique IRQ if you are going to use them all
>with CT.

Yes, I won't use my R-7000 scanner in CT.  Won't run both ethernet and
serial network in CT at same time.  Wont use the Pro-audio spectrum in
CT either.  All handled by the boot-up configuration.  I picked which
ports went where very carefully (it took some time).  CT can use all 
that it needs.

>In theory, you can cut a trace on the DVP board, and run a wire from
>a PC prototyping board that has been cut in half and inserted into
>the second half of the edge connector holding the DVP, giving you the
>DVP on IRQ 10, 11, 12 or 15, but I don't know anyone who has done
>this.  At Dayton K1EA said he would change DVPTSR so that the software
>would accept such high IRQ numbers (max is 7 today).

It works great as is.  More IRQ flexibility would be great, but don't
need it, now.

>By the way, W5XD just announced multi-transmitter networking support
>using Ethernet and Windows for Workgroups, instead of via serial ports,
>so there are other options to consider.  WriteLog doesn't support the
>DVP; it uses sound cards instead.  If you can get the levels right and
>rig up your own PTT line, it could work OK (no BACKCOPY, however).


>Bob, N6TV

Refer to your DOS manual under "MULTIPLE CONFIGURATIONS."  That is the 
missing link, I think.

73 Bob de Brian

>From JH3PRR masa <kitagawa@ee.es.osaka-u.ac.jp>  Mon Jul 24 02:47:53 1995
From: JH3PRR masa <kitagawa@ee.es.osaka-u.ac.jp> (JH3PRR masa)
Subject: JE3MAS left JA for 6Y
Message-ID: <199507240147.KAA17869@qed.laser.ee.es.osaka-u.ac.jp>

Mas III JE3MAS (ex. 5H1HK), the author of PED the contest trainer,
left Osaka for 6Y with his family. He will stay there for a few years.

Please do NOT send mail to his @niftyserve.or.jp address anymore as he
has lost access.

He brings IC736 so that he can do contest. Let's hope he can find good
place to build aerials.

de masa JH3PRR / JA3ZOH Mt.RF

>From ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short)  Mon Jul 24 03:29:02 1995
From: ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short) (Brian Short)
Subject: Sorry-Multiple Messages
Message-ID: <199507240235.TAA11519@mailhost.primenet.com>

It has been pointed out that one of my messages has appeared multiple
times.  I do NOT know why.  I appologize, but somehow something out of
my control caused the repeat.  I use Winsock/Eudora and I cannot see
how it could go out more than once!  Sorry.

I think the content was also an issue with one guy.  The point I'm at
is configuring my station for 2-radio (SOP or MS/M2).  I am going to 
great lengths to setup everything correctly.  On Friday I installed
a special 4-port serial board in my contest computer and analyzed my
configuration.  I thought that contest computer configuration for use
with popular programs would be fair game on the reflector.  Someone 
complained about my post not being of interest to anyone.  

I know for sure it was interesting to one DX station who I am trying to 
help with his configuration right now.

I see lots of stuff of no interest to me, but I use the delete key and
figure others find it interesting.  

Can someone tell me what is an appropriate subject and how to stop the

73 de Brian

>From patd@eskimo.com (Patrick Dayshaw)  Sun Jul 23 19:56:39 1995
From: patd@eskimo.com (Patrick Dayshaw) (Patrick Dayshaw)
Subject: "QRL"? Apologies
Message-ID: <199507240257.TAA03198@mail.eskimo.com>

Since the mail just keeps pouring in I'll reword and restate an earlier post.

Thanks again to all of the kind folks who pointed out the error in my *"QRL"
Apologies* post where I managed to mix-up the name associated with W4KFC's
call.  I did in fact know that Gus Browning=W4BPD and Vic Clark=W4KFC. I
even have a W4KFC QSL hanging on the wall in front of me.  When I was
composing the original apology message I had planned on also making
reference to Gus, but changed my mind.  In the process of cutting and
pasting I managed to transpose the names (not once but twice).  A bad thing
to do considering my earlier faux pas.

My personal favorite was Vic. This IS NOT meant to be any offense to Gus, I
just knew more about Vic.

Thanks for the help.  I'll not waste any further bandwidth on this one.
Just trying to close the floodgate a little bit. (21 additional messages
just this morning!).


Patrick,   WA7VNI........    patd@eskimo.com

>From KT3Y@ix.netcom.com (philip allardice)  Mon Jul 24 05:13:28 1995
From: KT3Y@ix.netcom.com (philip allardice) (philip allardice)
Subject: wae cw date?
Message-ID: <199507240413.VAA21946@ix.ix.netcom.com>

According to the July/August issue of NCJ, the Worked all Europe CW
contest is 19-20 August. In August QST, the date is listed under
that date header, but the text below indicates that the contest is 
12-13 August. I thought the WAE CW was always the 2nd full
weekend in August. (ie 12-13 August) 

Does anyone have additional information regarding the actual
date this year? 
Many thanks & 73  Phil kt3y

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu  Mon Jul 24 05:42:48 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Subject: Listening First
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9507232146.D4882-9100000@bach.seattleu.edu>

> Haven't we all had
> to defend the frequency repeatedly while trying to get a fill from a
> really weak station?
> Scott  K9MA
> sellington@ssec.wisc.edu 

Sure, but that's the exception by far.  That's just contesting...it's not
intentional and is almost by definition unavoidable.  It's irritating, but
not really the major concern, which is how many "channel-seconds" are
occupied by unuseful and counterproductive transmissions.

73, Ward N0AX

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu  Mon Jul 24 06:08:46 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Subject: QRL
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9507232246.J4882-8100000@bach.seattleu.edu>

> N5RP, Bob

It's a good thing you don't drive race cars, Bob...

73, Ward N0AX

>From ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short)  Mon Jul 24 06:10:54 1995
From: ke7gh@primenet.com (Brian Short) (Brian Short)
Subject: LPT1 Band Port Only!
Message-ID: <199507240516.WAA11147@mailhost.primenet.com>

Below is my updated contest configuration for my contest computers.
(Feel free to depress the delete key at this point if you feel ill.)

There was an error in that only LPT1 can be used by CT for band info
for the Top Ten Decoder.  Please note that I have moved my printer 
to LPT3.  Also, I have included the possibility of 2-radio operation
with CT as well as N6TR (single computer).  

Anyone have the pinout for the CT control signal (radio 1/2)?  Ever
built a relay box?  For CW?  For SSB?

Anyone see any other problems, now?

BTW:  Computer configuration precedes installation of the Top Ten
      Decoders, then an automatic antenna switch, and finally the
      installation of the Dunestar filters.  It all fits together
      and soon I will be past the dubious job of configuring my two
      computers.  This thread deals with 2-radio operation and I 
      have received so little information, there is nothing to try
      to summarize.  Please don't flame, I'm just trying to set up 
      my station and others have asked to be provided with the info
      I get.  For now, this is about it.  Bear with me and I'll try
      to move on to the fun stuff, otherwise just delete everything.
      Before I know it, an entire station will be built.

73 de Brian

>Computer #1 486 DLC 40 VLB 8MB 340MB+420MB
>COM 1               4       3F8        Rotor/Modem
>COM 2               3       2F8        DSP-2232
>COM 3              12*      3E8        FT-990 CAT
>COM 4              12*      2E8        R-7000
>COM 5               5+      340        CT Network (FT-890 CAT)@
>COM 6              15       290        PK-88
>MOUSE              10       338
>LPT 1               -       3BC        CW/Band Port 
>LPT 2               -       378        CW Port
>LPT 3               -       278        Printer
>DVP                 7^      303
>3COM 3C503          5+      300        Ethernet
>Pro-Audio          11       ---
>Sound Blaster       7^      ---
>KCT/T (satellite tracker/tuner)
>*  Both radios will not be controlled at the same time.
>+  Ethernet and serial network will not be used simultaneously.
>^  DVP and Pro-Audio will not be used at the same time.
>@  FT-890 CAT replaces CT Network in SOP 2-Radio setup.
>By default, the DVP and Ethernet board base addresses will conflict,
>but I changed one of them, so now all is well.
>Computer #2 486 DX 2 VLB 4MB 850MB
>COM 1               4       3F8        FT-890 CAT
>COM 2               3       2F8        PK-232
>COM 3
>COM 4               7       2E8        CT Network
>MOUSE              10       338
>LPT 1               -       378        CW/Band Port
>3COM 3C503          5       300        Ethernet
>Pasokon            15       ---        SSTV
>Win Vision Pro                         Video Capture

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