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Good callsigns

Subject: Good callsigns
From: w9sz@prairienet.org (Zack Widup)
Date: Tue Aug 1 08:20:03 1995
>Tree- Trey's is good, but for pure contest key-down time, I always 
>thought it was: 
>                       JJ1JJJ
>73, Larry N6AZE

I wonder why I never hear EI5HE in contests?      :-)

                                        73, Zack W9SZ

>From Charles Kraly <n0biw@solar.sky.net>  Tue Aug  1 13:35:50 1995
From: Charles Kraly <n0biw@solar.sky.net> (Charles Kraly)
Subject: Rufz Flaws
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950801073410.28620A-100000@solar.sky.net>

Sorry to say but, there are many USA calls in the data file. I looked at 
it with PC Tools text viewer and even saw a couple of local guys (NX0I 
and AB0X to name a few). 

>From Peter Hutter" <peter_hutter@maca.sarnoff.com  Tue Aug  1 09:39:08 1995
From: Peter Hutter" <peter_hutter@maca.sarnoff.com (Peter Hutter)
Subject: What is C4
Message-ID: <n1404855924.74671@maca.sarnoff.com>

It's some type of plastique ?

>From Mike Cizek <mcizek@CapAccess.org>  Tue Aug  1 14:50:23 1995
From: Mike Cizek <mcizek@CapAccess.org> (Mike Cizek)
Subject: Vanity Call/Out of Area
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91-FP.950801094529.29417A-100000@cap1.capaccess.org>

On Tue, 1 Aug 1995, Rich L. Boyd wrote:

> KO7V reports some advantage from his 7 call, residing in W3.
Actually, where I really notice the advantage is when I'm signing W3LPL, 
but maybe those antennas have something to do with it, too?  :-)

Sometimes, I think the 7 call helps attract EU stations, but a lot of 
them try to put me in MT instead of MD, or ask for a repeat on my zone.  
I think it's a real disadvantage for domestic tests.   Matts, SM7PKK, has 
the right idea though:  if you're on enough and your call is really well 
known, it doesn't matter what the callsign is.  People will recognize it 
& copy it correctly.  73,

Mike Cizek   KO7V

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