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N4BP 160M Contest, Single Op

Subject: N4BP 160M Contest, Single Op
From: mmeehan@wlv.hp.com (Mike Meehan)
Date: Mon Dec 4 13:45:03 1995

The fact that you used the ANC-4 without success is what caught my
eye...I got one before cqww cw and without it, it would have been
a failure to operate the test...The key to making these little
boxes work is what you use for a noise antenna...Using the little
whip or the shortwire simply wont cut it...I ended up using a piece
of RG8 that was just laying on the ground between my tower and shack!

So before you give up on the anc4, try some other antennas on the
noise antenna port...

Kindest Regards,
-Mike Meehan (AK6N)

 > Call used: N4BP
 > Category: Single Op Single Band
 > Location: SFL
 > Power: 1500
 > band QSOs    points
 > ==== ====    ======
 > 160  537     1140
 > ======================
 > TOTAL        537     1140    X       82 multipliers  =       93,480
 >                              (66 sec, 16 countries)
 > Strung up a 260 foot inverted vee from my 40 foot tower to get on the top 
 > band for the first time in many years.  No room for a seperate receiving 
 > antenna and the ANC-4 that I ordered just prior to the contest was a 
 > dismal failure..  Thought a full size inverted vee and legal limit power 
 > would be competitive, but when I started reading the posts here...  My 
 > God, a 130 foot tower with 100 full size radials and 25 Beverage antennas 
 > in every conceivable direction!  Etc, etc, etc...  Learned some valuable 
 > lessons in this one.  Next year, will not bother staying up all night 
 > begging for contacts - could have slept from 1AM 'til sunrise without 
 > missing a thing!  And, I need to continue working on the rx noise 
 > problem, perhaps a DSP would help??
 > Biggest thrill was having about a half dozen Europeans answer my CQ's.  
 > Biggest downer was all night Sunday - not many new stations to work and 
 > seemed like condx dropped off drastically.  
 > Also been reading the thread about the window.  I too heard more W's 
 > calling CQ there than DX.  I tried to tell a couple of them "Window", but 
 > they came back with "WI?" like it was my call they couldn't quite copy??  
 > One Vermont station seemed to spend the entire contest in the low end of 
 > the window - didn't hear anyone ask him to move, maybe Vt counts as DX?
 > All in all, I don't think the W's hurt the effectiveness of the window 
 > though.
 > Bob Patten
 > bobpatt@bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us

>From Steve Merchant <merchant@crl.com>  Mon Dec  4 21:44:36 1995
From: Steve Merchant <merchant@crl.com> (Steve Merchant)
Subject: Jan. NAQPs
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951204131916.24530A-100000@crl.crl.com>

On Mon, 4 Dec 1995, ki4hn wrote:

> What are the dates for the Jan. 96 North American QSO Parties?

CW:  1800z January 13 to 0600z January 14

SSB: 1800z January 20 to 0600z January 21

Single op stations may work only 10 hours, off times must be 30 minutes 
or more and must be clearly annotated on your summary sheet.

Team registrations to W9NQ at W9NQ@aol.com, or 6200 Natoma Avenue, 
Mojave, CA 93501, (619) 373-2204 H., or to N4TQO at merchant@crl.com or 
1795 Cravens Lane, Carpinteria, CA 93013, (805) 684-2256 H.

Full rules will be published again on cq-contest prior to the January NAQP's.

December 95 CQ Magazine has the dates incorrect, December 95 QST has them 

See you in January!

73, Steve  N4TQO

>From zs6nw@lia.infolink.co.za (Jan van Niekerk)  Tue Dec  5 02:09:39 1995
From: zs6nw@lia.infolink.co.za (Jan van Niekerk) (Jan van Niekerk)
Subject: CQWW CW score
Message-ID: <199512050209.AAA02241@lia.infolink.co.za>

ZS6NW single band, single op high power CW score:

15 metres  1347/30/101/528,454

It was the best antenna I have ever used!  A local cellular phone company
allowed me to install a Hygain 5-el monobander (8 metre boomlength) on top
of a 50 metre tower on a hill for the weekend.  I could work anything I
could hear.  The pileups were bad-had to use the 25Hz filter on the DSP and
still found multiple stations on top of each other.  I couldn't dare to send
? to ask the station to repeat it's call-about 20 guys would then throw
their callsign in.  At a stage I got so upset I almost quit the contest.  A
lot of sharp ops caught my QSX 105 trick but not enough to keep a good run
going.  The advice I got after the contest was "If the pileup gets out of
control in a contest, duck and start somewhere else"  Almost everybody was
S9 plus with me.  The band was open beyond any time I have seen in the past.
In short, I am VERY impressed by the effect of 3-wavelenghts-plus height on
the antenna system.  Unfortunately lost some prime hours on Saturday morning
installing the monobander-work pressure was too big to do this beforehand.
The monobander, mast and rotator was MANUALLY (by me) hoisted up the entire
50 metres...

All new stations (band & mode never worked before) will be QSLed via the
buro where possible, for RTTY, SSB, CW and 160M contests.

Hats off to the handfull of ops who even caught me when I thought I was
going split and actually QSYed!

Regards from South Africa 

Jan zs6nw

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