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Mac Contest Program

Subject: Mac Contest Program
From: Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr@k1vr.jjm.com (Fred Hopengarten)
I've just received a letter from Radhames, HI3AB, whom I met
in Dayton a while back.  He is looking for a logging program
for his Mac.  As I am not a Mac user, I've ignored any
discussion on this topic which may have occurred in the
past, and I have nothing to write back to him.  What shall I
tell him?
                      Fred Hopengarten K1VR
           Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
     home + office telephone:  617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
                   internet:  k1vr@k1vr.jjm.com
            "Big antennas, high in the sky, are better
                       than small ones, low."

The absolute BEST contest logging program from my very
biased (although uncompensated :-)  view is ..... MARATHON
for Macintosh by Kevin Krueger - N0IOS

It's great!  73, Sandy  WA6BXH/7J1ABV      slay@netcom.com

I'd get rid of my MAC before midnight when it will turn into
a dumb terminal Sun workstation.


There's only a few programs on the Mac. One is Marathon by
N0IOS. There's a couple of other specialised programs.

I've started working on a contest program for the Mac. I'm
not anywhere near distribution yet. (Indeed, I've barely

Bill Coleman, AA4LR      Mail: aa4lr@radio.org

There are a couple of MAC logging programs out there but the
best one in my opinion is Marathon by N0IOS. You can reach
Kevin at krueg010@maroon.tc.umn.edu. He has a demo disk of
his program that is full function but limits the number of
QSO's that can be logged. If you're friend has e-mail
capability Kevin could send it to him as an attached file,
that's the way he's been sending all my upgrades. The
program supports all the major contests for cw,ssb and rtty
and also has a generic mode that could be used for

CUL 73 de John VE6FR  Email : svogrine@pop.srv.ualberta.ca
                       " o o "
                       (  v  )

         Smile - no one can tell what you're up to!

One to try is Kevin Krueger's Marathon package.  It pretty
good.  It performs dupe checking, rig control and keying,
report generation, etc for many major contests.  You can
contact Kevin at 'krueg010@tc.umn.edu' for full details.
Cost is around $60.00 US.

I've not compared it with publicly available WIntel-based
packages, but the interface is intuitive and 'Mac-like'.
It runs fine on my ancient Mac Plus running System 7.1.

Good luck and 73,  Walt kk6nr

I can highly recommend Marathon (written by Kevin Krueger,
N0IOS; he also writes the Mac software for a major TNC mfr)
as a Macintosh contest logging program. For general logging
Marathon has a generic contest that might be customizable
enough to provide an electronic logbook.

Kevin is a top-notch guy, the Marathon support is superb
(bug-fixes and updates e-mailed out pronto to users, new
disks for major upgrades are usually s&h only, personal
response to individual problems), and in my opinion offers
very good value for the money. Demo disk available.

Kevin can be reached at:

krueg010@tc.umn.edu      1780 Ruth Street
                         Saint Paul, MN  55109

I have no affiliation with Kevin or his product save as a
very satisfied user.

Steve Zettel  KJ7CH          zettel@libby.org

I have a disk with a copy of the program "marathon"
which as far as I know is the original CT-like program for
MACs.  I don't have a MAC, so will gladly send it.  However,
it is only a demo program and will fail after 50 or so QSOs,
but it does have information on how to purchase it embedded
in the software.  I don't know if the seller still exists, I
last used this software about 5 years ago.

73 Brian nd3f@aol.com

Here is some information for Radhames, HI3AB, regarding
Marathon, a contest logging application for Macintosh

M A R A T H O N  (version 4.1, released November 1995)

- 14 contests:   ARRL International DX Contest    ARRL RTTY Roundup
                 ARRL November Sweepstakes        ARRL Field Day
                 ARRL 10 Meter Contest            IARU HF Championships
                 CQ World-Wide DX Contest         CQ WPX Contest
                 CQ World-Wide RTTY Contest       JARL All Asian Contest
                 ARRL 160 Meter Contest           A.D.R.S. WW RTTY WPX Contest
                 CQ 160 Meter Contest             California QSO Party
- A "Generic" contest for DXpeditions and other contests not directly built
  into Marathon.
- Real time dupe checking and automatic look-up.
- Automatic display of points and multiplier credit for entries even before
  it's logged.
- Rig interface for logging frequency and mode.
- Partial call look-up.
- Easy editing of log entries and adding rest periods.
- Packet interface for local DX spotting.
- CW/RTTY interface with programmable memories.
- The keypad is available for playing System 7 sound files, i.e. a voice keyer.
- Printing of entry forms, log pages, check sheets, QSO rates, etc. - all of
  the paper work for post-contest reporting.
- On screen scoreboard and QSO rate graphs.
- Note pad.
- Displayable log pages and dupe lists.  Also, countries worked, zones,
  prefixes, etc. for contest multipliers.
- Most windows may be scrolled and sized to the way you want them.
- Maintainable countries and prefixes for DX contests.
- DX beam headings displayed - calculated for your QTH.
- Unlimited number of entries, depending on your memory and disk space.
- Log export for disk submission or QSL'ing.

A MacPlus and System 6.05 or better is required.  System 7.0/7.5 compatible.

MARATHON with 50 page Users Manual................................ $69.95
Full featured demo disk including manual (refundable)............. $10.00

  Outside US please add $5.00 shipping.  Minnesota residents add sales tax


In addition, I am the author of HostMaster for the Macintosh (not the PC
version!!!)  The current version is 2.3b and includes support for the KAM
G-TOR, TOR, and GMON modes as well as the KPC-9612  Kantronics
distributes this software through their dealers, or you can order it
directly from them.  If you would like to receive it directly from me,
the cost is $69.95 including shipping and handling.  Outside the US please
add $5.00 shipping.  Minnesota residents add sales tax.


I have also completed the new MacRatt III application for A.E.A.
This is completely new software, not an enhancement to the previous
MacRatt software (I was not envolved in the original MacRatt development).
MacRatt III will be available directly from AEA or one of their many


If you have any questions, feel free to email.

Kevin Krueger, N0IOS

1780 Ruth Street
St. Paul, MN  55109        (612)770-0370


Before I switched from a Mac SE to my present Compaq 486, I
used a Mac contest logging program called Marathon.  The
developer is Kevin Krueger, N0IOS.  I think he is on the
Internet at krueg010@maroon.tc.umn.edu .  Marathon (at least
when I used it) is not in the same class with CT and N6TR (I
haven't used any others), but it has a number of nice
features.  Radhames may want to contact N0IOS (I believe the
Callbook address is current) and get information on the
current version.

73, Dave, K8JLF    dave_hoaglin@abtassoc.com

Have him contact N0IOS and get a copy of his program
"Marathon" its the best for the mac; its a real mac
contesting pgm, but its not CT; I use it for all the
contests and Kevin (N0IOS) is very responsive. -jim WM1W

A friend forwarded me your DX Reflector inquiry abt Amateur
Radio oriented s/w for Macintosh platforms, specifically
contest logging s/w.  I've used a Mac since their inception
in 1984 but haven't really done a thorough search of just
what Ham Radio s/w is available.

However, I can sure steer you to someone who will know!
Contact John Seney, WD1V.  I've got John addr and email addr
at home but I'm writing this at work.  John is an authority
on Macs and specifically ham s/w for Macs.  If anyone will
know, he will!

GL,  Mark Byard, N5OGP  mark.e.byard@ conoco.dupont.com

The only mac software I am aware of is written by ....

  n0ios;Krueger; Kevin = krueg010@maroon.tc.umn.edu

It is called Marathon.

Not a mac user and no connection. He was asking me questions
about CQP because he was writting a module for the contest.
I have no idea of the price or availibility.

73, Jim, WA6SDM   jholly@cup.hp.com

Hi Fred - the ARRL BBS has a whole section on ham software for the Mac.
Surprisingly, there's quite a bit of it.

If CT/NA/TR and my W9XT Contest Card worked in one of my many Macs, I'd not
have a PC in the house.

73, Bruce WW1M
Bruce D. Herrick           bdh@mixcom.com      Home:   414.462.1270
Pryon Corporation                                  Office: 414.253.5678
N93 W14575 Whittaker Way                           Fax:    414.253.2772
Menomonee Falls, WI  53051

                      Fred Hopengarten K1VR
           Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
     home + office telephone:  617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
                   internet:  k1vr@k1vr.jjm.com
            "Big antennas, high in the sky, are better
                       than small ones, low."

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