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Ask programs from RU6BV

Subject: Ask programs from RU6BV
From: /G=AB/S=CERTA/O=SKAT/@sovmail.sprint.com (/G=AB/S=CERTA/O=SKAT/@sovmail.sprint.com)
Date: Fri Apr 5 06:56:45 1996
Hi everybody!

   I am Serge from Tuapse (Krasnodar territory in Russia). I am 22 years old.
And my callsign is RU6BV (1985-94 years was UA6AFZ).
   In last year I was finished me study on Taganrog Radio Engineering Univer-
city and now work in a bank as programer and Sprint-mail (E-mail) administra-
   Only in this year I build new antennas: 3 Inverted-V  20 meters under gro-
und and build a homemade amplifire to 200 watts.
   Also I  have a homemade  TRCVR (with tubes - Hi-hi) and PC: 486DX2-66 with 
some radio-program. I using following of them:

   - Swisslog (from HB9BJS ver 3.72c)
   - CT (K1EA ver 9.23)
   - log (N6TR ver 3.83)

And I ask some help me with radio-programm. Swisslog (HB9BJS) is  a very good
for daily using (not contest) but my version very old (1992 year) and  all  of
new DXCC (as 9A, Z3, S5, all ex-USSR and etc...) not response by this version.
Please, if it possible to somebody, send me new version of this program...
   I will return your disk (disks) and postage.
   May be some other radio programm?..

Thanks, 73
de RU6BV

   <access code to Russia> 86167-31110


Mailing address:
   Serge W. Guryev
   Kadoshskay str, 13/1
   TUAPSE, 352800
   Krasnodar region

>From Marijan Miletic <s56a@s55tcp.ampr.org>  Fri Apr  5 17:35:57 1996
From: Marijan Miletic <s56a@s55tcp.ampr.org> (Marijan Miletic)
Subject: Tetrode QRO
Message-ID: <11982@s55tcp.ampr.org>

It seems to me from recent 4-1000A discussion that GG is the only QRO
configuration remembered.  I always thought that screen grid was added for
additional stability and therefore tetrodes can be grid driven with light
neutralisation if neccessary.  That's the way we do it here with up to 4 (four)
QB5/1750 and <100W drive required.  Svetlana also proposes such a design with
4CX1600B or 2x4CX800's and it works for ETO 91B...
73 de mario, S56A, N1YU.
Disclaimer:  I still use SB-221 with 2x3-500ZG made in BY runing even RTTY.

>From Ronald D Rossi <rrossi@btv.ibm.com>  Fri Apr  5 13:26:48 1996
From: Ronald D Rossi <rrossi@btv.ibm.com> (Ronald D Rossi)
Subject: Third Parties...very brief!
Message-ID: <9604051326.AA14988@btv.ibm.com>

>>>Stan Griffiths said:
> Ok, now that I have your attention, try this scenerio for fun:

I have come to look at it this way...If the party doing the talking could be 
replaced by a DVK, then that is essentially what they are.  I don't recall 
complaints regarding the use of DVKs to make contacts with non-third party 
agreement nations/territories.  When the DVK starts thinking and speaking on 
its own that may pose a problem.  Makes sense to me.

73 de N1PBT...ron (rrossi@btv.ibm.com) <><

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