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Calls issued

Subject: Calls issued
From: w9sz@prairienet.org (Zack Widup)
Date: Wed Sep 25 02:14:49 1996
>       The club callsigns are all issued to me as the trustee.  We have
>an area wide organization (three states), and we have to deal with the
>Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management for our site permits.
>       It has been our experience over the last 20 years that it is
>difficult to get all the paperwork changed when a member moves or passes
>       Our decision was to have all the club stations licensed to one
>trustee (in this case me) so that when I die or should happen to go away,
>the only change that has to be made is with the FCC for the single
>trustee change.
>       Thanks for your interest and inquiry.
>                       73 de
>---Milt Jensen @ ARS N5IA---
>---Virden, NM Route Box 176---
>---Duncan, AZ -- 85534---
>---H: (505) 358-2105      W: (520) 359-2503---
>---Reply to n5ia@juno.com---

Whoever is posting all these fake messages from juno.com, I hope you get 
sufficient jollies to knock it off.

Trey, maybe you should have an authentication checker on the server, as 
Lyndon does on the DX server. I believe the DX server can only be posted 
to by someone who has subscribed to it.

Hopefully the rest of us get to recognize the fake poster and just ignore 

Now back to CONTESTING!

73, Zack, W9SZ for 19 years and hopefully for many more


>From john.lash@yale.edu (John Lash)  Wed Sep 25 16:09:35 1996
From: john.lash@yale.edu (John Lash) (John Lash)
Subject: None
Message-ID: <n1368472498.94579@QuickMail.Yale.edu>

                      Subject:                              Time:  11:02

WHERE ((Subject CONTAINS 'Vanity' OR 'Work me') OR (Text CONTAINS 'Vanity' OR
'Work me'));

>From ari.korhonen@pp.kolumbus.fi (Ari Korhonen)  Wed Sep 25 15:35:25 1996
From: ari.korhonen@pp.kolumbus.fi (Ari Korhonen) (Ari Korhonen)
Subject: SAC SSB next weekend - comments needed
Message-ID: <199609251435.RAA01887@nina.kolumbus.fi>


I=B4m planning an article on SAC for the OH magazine. Please take a little
time after the contest and send me your comments (highlights/lowlights, who
was loud, who was heard on 80m etc, etc...)

Comments both from Scandinavia and outside of Sca. are appreciated!

I=B4m on to give OI6YF a run for his money in S/A so see you next weekend.

73 Ari, OH1EH (ari.korhonen@pp.kolumbus.fi)

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