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Kenwood Sales Manager

Subject: Kenwood Sales Manager
From: AG7M@aol.com (AG7M@aol.com)
Date: Fri Oct 4 14:47:52 1996
Well this whole issue has caused me to decide two things:

1. Unsubscribe from this reflector since there is so little exchange of info
related to its title. (Trey son unsubscribe me or remind me how)

2. Buy that new TS870.


>From dnorris@k7no.com (Dean Norris)  Fri Oct  4 19:23:58 1996
From: dnorris@k7no.com (Dean Norris) (Dean Norris)
Subject: Kenwood Sales Manager
Message-ID: <>

At 13:47 10/4/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Well this whole issue has caused me to decide two things:
>1. Unsubscribe from this reflector since there is so little exchange of info
>related to its title. (Trey son unsubscribe me or remind me how)
>2. Buy that new TS870.
10-4 good buddy...

>From jdowning@intelenet.net (John Downing)  Fri Oct  4 19:28:22 1996
From: jdowning@intelenet.net (John Downing) (John Downing)
Subject: Revised Packetcluster Telnet Access
Message-ID: <01BBB1E7.2BF72700@downing-1.intelenet.net>

Hi all,

Bill, NG3K, and I have taken the revisions, corrections, and deletions from 
everyone - 
verified each one and now have a revised list of Telnet accessible DX 

Please check out Bill's Web page at: http://www.cpcug.org/user/wfeidt/
for the latest information.

I will supply a text only list to those whose access to the Net is e-mail only
upon request.  

Thanks to those, especially WU3V, whose input made this list possible.



N6YRU / V31DX / ????

The Cuba Libre Contest Club - who will enter the CQWW SSB contest
from the far, far, south eastern Caribbean.

>From slazar19@sgi.net (Spike Lazar)  Fri Oct  4 19:36:48 1996
From: slazar19@sgi.net (Spike Lazar) (Spike Lazar)
Subject: Power and offspring
Message-ID: <199610041836.OAA22109@orion.bv.sgi.net>

>>>                          and I DID inhale!
>>I'm a little lost on this inhaling thing ?
>>73 Spike

>>Well, I think this "inhaling business" is Tree's way of saying he never ran
>>big power.  
>>Stan  w7ni@teleport.com
Dear Stan,

Your part of the country is known for growers of cannabis. So when I hear
I smoked but didn't inhale (Bill Clinton), I was thinking did Tree operated
a contest under the influence? Which I did once. I worked a few guys and
then listened to static crashes for a few hours and enjoyed the crashes
more than the contest.

I made a few notes at the time, and I noticed a pattern between the crashes
and the levels. After a while I realized it was several extraterrestrials
working each other.

Since then I only turn the rig on when a front is passing through. I've
been listening to so called static regularly now for several years and
learned to copy their messages. About two years back, I was coping them,
and one remarked to the other, a front must be passing through because
conditions were lousy and the cw crashes were 40 over 9!

Since then I have built a large spark-gap from the Lew McCoy's 1915 handbook
and it works quite well, and I've been working these guys regularly, and
have participated in a REAL DX CONTEST, cq ww is quite wimpy in comparison.
Often have big pile-ups on me because I'm the only mult on this side of the

One downside to all this is that my crank-up tower is guide with hemp
rope, and I've been smoking my guide cables. The 72 ft crankup can
only be extended to 32 feet now because of the shortened guide cables!

It's ironic because I purchased my hemp rope through that guy who always
advertises "Finally hear week signals with my DSP", his ad also says Rope
Rope Rope. Its a good thing I only bought the rope because if I had bought
the DSP I would have never heard all that new dx! I would send you his
name, but I can't remember who he is. I guess everything has its price!

dr. Bafoofnik    
                 P.S., If anyone on the reflector knows who that rope
                       a dope dealer is please let me know, because I'm
                       almost out of guide cables!

>From tomf@neca.com (Tom Francis)  Fri Oct  4 20:05:05 1996
From: tomf@neca.com (Tom Francis) (Tom Francis)
Subject: EMT used as mast...NO!
Message-ID: <199610041905.PAA03164@orion.neca.com>

At 12:32 PM 10/4/96 -0400, you wrote:

>Please don't!  EMT bends easily and is not suitable for masts. 


        Your right - as an EMT of fifteen years experience, I speak
        for all EMTs when I realily admit that we do bend easily and 
        are CERTAINLY not suitable for masts. However, we can carry
        heavy loads (patient, stretcher, oxygen, cardiac defibrillators,


        Tom, NM1Q (tomf@neca.com)

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