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multiple band ss qso'

Subject: multiple band ss qso'
From: bill.lumnitzer@paonline.com (bill.lumnitzer@paonline.com)
Date: Mon Nov 4 12:21:19 1996

 >I know it has been discussed in the past, but what is the rationale
 >for NOT having multiple band qso's with the same station in SS.  It
 >would sure seem to increase the action.  What are your thoughts?
 Wr> -!---------------------------------------------

 Wr> Sweepstakes was originally a message-handling contest, not a band/rate
 Wr> contest.  When you've sent the "message" to one station on one band,
 Wr> the = job
 Wr> is done.  Changing this would change the SS tradition itself,
 Wr> something = the
 Wr> ARRL is not likely to do.

Yeah! But, who needs more ACTION in this one anyway? This is the most popular
domestic contest that ever was! In my limited operation, there were always
plenty of stations to work, even in the wee hours on 80m.

I'd be more in favor of changing the OTHER contests to SS format to get rid
of the bloated scoring that results from working the same guys over and over
and over... ;)

73 Bill N6CQ/3

>From aa4lr@radio.org (AA4LR)  Mon Nov  4 18:14:15 1996
From: aa4lr@radio.org (AA4LR) (AA4LR)
Subject: Multiple Band SS QSO's
Message-ID: <961004141220.OAA08588@gate.iterated.com>

>From:        Beryl D. Simonson, bsimonson@comcastpc.com
>I know it has been discussed in the past, but what is the rationale
>for NOT having multiple band qso's with the same station in SS.  It
>would sure seem to increase the action.  What are your thoughts?

Changing the SS rules from "work stations once" to "work stations once 
per band" would certainly change the character of SS completely. It would 
degenerate into a contest where a bunch of big guns try to work each 
other on every band, leaving little space for the littler pistols. In 
fact, it would be a totally different contest.

The fact that you can only work stations once, and the multipliers count 
only once, instead of once per band is part of the challenge of SS. That 
and the long enchange give SS its unique character.

Sweepstakes is my favorite contest. Please don't change it.

For the flavor of "work 'em all" type contesting with a domestic 
perspective, I suggest the North American QSO Party. Not as crowded as 
SS, but definitely lots of fun -- and everything counts once per band. 
And it happens twice a year. Just remember to turn the Amp off....

Bill Coleman, AA4LR           Mail: aa4lr@radio.org
Quote: "Not in a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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