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A little help

Subject: A little help
From: WJ2O@aol.com (WJ2O@aol.com)
Date: Wed Dec 4 23:16:26 1996
Hi gang,

Excuse me if this is old stuff that you already discussed, but I've been out
of the country a lot.

1.)  Is there one special QSL route for the 1x1's worked in the IARU contest?

2.)  Where is EM1KA?  I worked him as 3DA0DX and J3/WJ2O and he
      reported zone 13?

3.) HV7A must not be in the Vatican if he gave me zone 35.  Where is he?

73, Dave, WJ2O
(Next stop, VP5 for ARRL DX CW)

>From HWDX09A@prodigy.com ( ROBERT   REED)  Thu Dec  5 03:47:10 1996
From: HWDX09A@prodigy.com ( ROBERT   REED) ( ROBERT   REED)
Subject: 10 Meter Contest Free Zone
Message-ID: <199612050347.WAB21192@mime4.prodigy.com>

What do you do on 75M when you want to work DX ? You pick a 
legitimate frequency and QSX where the DX is allowed.

If 10M is open to LU call CQ just above 28.350 and announce your QSX 
frequency within the LU Novice (CFZ) area. You just aren't allowed to 
call CQ there. You can recieve there or from the tone of Billy's 
message even answer individual LU CQ's there just not QRZ or CQ 
within the CFZ.


 73,   Bob Reed,  W2CE,  ex WB2DIN
       1991 Route 37 West - Lot 109
       Toms River, New Jersey  08757

>From kl7y@Alaska.NET (Dan Robbins)  Thu Dec  5 06:35:02 1996
From: kl7y@Alaska.NET (Dan Robbins) (Dan Robbins)
Subject: No CW????????
Message-ID: <199612050635.VAA03822@calvino.alaska.net>

At 03:03 PM 12/4/96 -0600, Bob Scott wrote:
>Would you detest someone who fishes with a cane pole and
>worms in a farm pond, when 
>you think they should be in a $28,000 Ranger boat on Lake Erie?
>Sorry, but I don't agree.....Bob
No, but I do detest someone who buys a trout at the local supermarket and
then claims to be a fisherman.

I agree with W5HVV.  No-code is just plain no good for our hobby.

                                Dan KL7Y

>From zs6cax@lia.co.za (K. Tahara, Japan Embassy)  Thu Dec  5 07:02:33 1996
From: zs6cax@lia.co.za (K. Tahara, Japan Embassy) (K. Tahara, Japan Embassy)
Subject: [cq-contest 21440] Re: K5ZD CQWW CW Story (Long)
Message-ID: <199612050655.IAA02407@lia.lia.net>

Some people wrote:
>It's too long.

I think it's very much welcoming. Someone on the other day mentioned about
"not hardware but operation technique".  It's true. This kind of
information that Randy wrote is a very good spice, even to those who are
not in the US, how to sweep the band, look for mults and run. 

For example, CQWW is only 96 hours of 365 days. You have more time for
planning a strategy for the next one. Big guns are big not only by means of
their systems but their operation techniques are also super! Why not
sharing these with those guys? This reflector was made for that reason,
wasn't it?

de Koji ZS6CAX/3DA0NX

>From kk7a@micron.net (Jim - KK7A)  Thu Dec  5 07:34:47 1996
From: kk7a@micron.net (Jim - KK7A) (Jim - KK7A)
Subject: YAGI Comparison
Message-ID: <01BBE244.430D01C0@cboi033p11.boi.micron.net>

        It is time for me to make a few changes in my antenna farm next summer =
and would like to pick the brains of you knowledgeable people.  I =
currently have a TH5-MK2 at 48' and a KLM 40M-1 at 55'.  Thoughts at the =
present time are to do one of the following:

        1. Replace the TH5-MK2 with a TH7-DX and add a 2nd element to the KLM =
        2. Replace the TH5-MK2 with a KT34-XA and add a 2nd element to the =
        3. Replace the TH5-MK2 with a Force-12 C-4XL.

        Has anyone taken the time, money and effort to do some real world =
comparisons between the various 20/15/10 meter yagis on the market?  I =
see some interesting claims made by various companies but would like to =
have some true side by side comparisons.  In fact, in the Spring 1996 =
Force-12 catalog they quote their customers saying that, "the C-3 =
outperforms every trapped antenna, regardless of boom length."  The =
C-4XL is basically a C-3 with a 2 element 40 meter addon.
        So, you guys with extra towers, lots of time and extra money... :-) How 
about doing some side by side measurements between some of these =
antennas comparing them to each other and a dipole at a similar heights =
and locations. Have someone across town do the measuring so propogation =
won't be much of a factor.  Check forward gain over a dipole, FB, FS, =
        My gut feeling is that the 2 element per band C-3 won't come close to a 
4 element per band trapped antenna.  But, this wouldn't be the first =
time my "guts" let me down!
        Any takers?  Hopefully, someone else has already done the test.

        73, Jim

Jim Larson - KK7A - <><
Boise, Idaho

>From n2uck@juno.com (Roman S Makuch)  Thu Dec  5 09:45:23 1996
From: n2uck@juno.com (Roman S Makuch) (Roman S Makuch)
Subject: No CW????????
References: <v01541100aecb2939d521@[]>
Message-ID: <19961205.020257.4511.0.n2uck@juno.com>

On Wed, 4 Dec 1996 13:26:57 -0600 w5hvv@aeneas.net (Rod Fitz-Randolph)

>Henry, save your breath!  No-Code Techs are the Welfare Parasites of 
>Radio.  They are lazy to the core of the marrow of their bones.  This 
>a classic example of what we can all expect in the future as they 
>the vocal majority of Ham Radio operators.  Chalk it up to those 
>individuals (and organizations) that petitioned for no-code status 
>of their laziness (individuals) or the profit motive (organizations 
>sell magazines, tapes, etc.).  It is the beginning of the end for Ham
>Radio as we know it.  In the future, it will be monopolized by the 
>73, Rod


As one of those that came in to Ham Radio as a No-Code Tech, I will say
one thing to you:  Stuff IT!!

Yes a number of them stay as no-codes and are a pain, but a number of us
meet an Elmer that will spend the time to teach us the code as something
that is enjoyable, not as a mandatory item to belong to a clique.  I 
upgraded to a Tech+ about 2 years ago and am now working on getting my
speed up above 13 WPM (notice that I didn't say: getting my speed up to
pass the 13WPM CW test).  

A lot of the CW old-timers are as guilty as the No-Code that doesn't want
to do CW.  Don't put the No-Code down because he doesn't know CW,
demonstrate (with a lot of tact, patience and understanding) that CW is
fun.  Telling someone that if they don't know CW they are not a Ham,
gives everyone a "Us -v- Them" attitude.  It is "Us -v- Them", but the
"Us" is all of us Hams and the "Them" is those that want to take bands
away from us.  I have no use for SSTV, but because they are also Hams I
will support them.

Lets enjoy our hobby together (YES, it is only a HOBBY) and not sit
around bashing each other or we might end up without a hobby, then what
are we going to do?  Sit at home and watch the grass grow as we try to
find a way not to do the XYL's "Honey-Do" list?

73 de Roman, N2UCK

>From n2uck@juno.com (Roman S Makuch)  Thu Dec  5 09:45:23 1996
From: n2uck@juno.com (Roman S Makuch) (Roman S Makuch)
Subject: No CW????????
References: <v01541100aecb2939d521@[]>
Message-ID: <19961205.020257.4511.0.n2uck@juno.com>

On Wed, 4 Dec 1996 13:26:57 -0600 w5hvv@aeneas.net (Rod Fitz-Randolph)

>Henry, save your breath!  No-Code Techs are the Welfare Parasites of 
>Radio.  They are lazy to the core of the marrow of their bones.  This 
>a classic example of what we can all expect in the future as they 
>the vocal majority of Ham Radio operators.  Chalk it up to those 
>individuals (and organizations) that petitioned for no-code status 
>of their laziness (individuals) or the profit motive (organizations 
>sell magazines, tapes, etc.).  It is the beginning of the end for Ham
>Radio as we know it.  In the future, it will be monopolized by the 
>73, Rod


As one of those that came in to Ham Radio as a No-Code Tech, I will say
one thing to you:  Stuff IT!!

Yes a number of them stay as no-codes and are a pain, but a number of us
meet an Elmer that will spend the time to teach us the code as something
that is enjoyable, not as a mandatory item to belong to a clique.  I 
upgraded to a Tech+ about 2 years ago and am now working on getting my
speed up above 13 WPM (notice that I didn't say: getting my speed up to
pass the 13WPM CW test).  

A lot of the CW old-timers are as guilty as the No-Code that doesn't want
to do CW.  Don't put the No-Code down because he doesn't know CW,
demonstrate (with a lot of tact, patience and understanding) that CW is
fun.  Telling someone that if they don't know CW they are not a Ham,
gives everyone a "Us -v- Them" attitude.  It is "Us -v- Them", but the
"Us" is all of us Hams and the "Them" is those that want to take bands
away from us.  I have no use for SSTV, but because they are also Hams I
will support them.

Lets enjoy our hobby together (YES, it is only a HOBBY) and not sit
around bashing each other or we might end up without a hobby, then what
are we going to do?  Sit at home and watch the grass grow as we try to
find a way not to do the XYL's "Honey-Do" list?

73 de Roman, N2UCK

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